Counterfeiter Profession in The Chronicles of Traith | World Anvil


The profession of illegal counterfeiting has been banned for centuries but that has never been reason enough for those bold enough to take up its practice. Whether in the form of currency, art, literature, goods or documentation the profession of counterfeiting has always been lucrative. Many have suffered losses throughout history to those who gain wealth through these illegal endeavors.



There are no true qualifications need to become a counterfeiter yet one should have more than just a basic knowledge of the area of counterfeiting they pursue.

Career Progression

The longer one stays in this profession the better they get at their trade and the more authentic their counterfeits become. The

Payment & Reimbursement

Some counterfeiters specialize in the crafting commissioned counterfeit work and make exuberant amounts of money doing so. They take payment for a specific item to be counterfeited and produce the desired item.

Other Benefits

For many counterfeiters gain recognition among the criminal underworld.



Counterfeiters are a major part of Traith's criminal underworld. Whether they produce false versions of legal documents or exquisite replicas of valuable items their work can't be sought-after through normal channels and require having the right connections.

Social Status

The Profession of counterfeiting is definitely frown upon and highly illegal in most settlements across Traith. Although if there is a demand for something no matter how small or large people will find a means to an end.



Counterfeiters require a wide range of tools to complete their works. Some may specialize in specific works other may be able to cover any and all areas that counterfeiting includes.


Some may work out of small workshops and other own entire warehouses of counterfeited products.

Dangers & Hazards

As with any illegal endeavor and buisness dealing with the criminal elements you will alway run the risk of falling victim to those same criminals.
Financial / Trade
Counterfeiting is highly illegal in most parts of Traith. The recreation of unique works of art, jewelry, literature, weapon, armor or documents can fetch a high price but are also considered illegal. Some individuals or groups seek to steal the authentic version and replace it with the counterfeited one without anyone knowing.


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