City Tech Tree Technology / Science in The Chronicles of Iberia | World Anvil
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City Tech Tree

Tech Level by Tree
# Tech Level Weapons Transportation Medical Energy Wealth Magic Faith
1 Stone age Clubs and Slings Foot Travel None Manpower Simple trade, local bartering None Paleolithic
2 Dark age Spears, Bows, Swords Domestic Animals, Canoes, Rowboats Herbalism Domestic animals Trade of goods via Donkey/Horseback Shamanistic and Tribal Spiritual Beliefs, Animalistic
3 Bronze age Simple alloys, advanced metal weapons Caravans, Sailboats (Rivers/Lakes) Advanced Herbalism Potion making Waterwheel Land-based trade with Caravans Primal Magic, Alchemical Simple beliefs of deities
4 Iron age Battering Rams, Siege Towers Sailboats (Ocean Traveling), Navigation Surgery/chemical remedies Windmill Minted Currency, River-based trading Research and Magical studies, planar and Well of the Aether understanding Structured and complex beliefs and domains
5 Renaissance age. Clockwork Crude firearms, Ballistas, Tretchbult Warships, Balloon Blimps Crude prosthetic Advanced Windmills, belt drives, and Clockwork Ocean-based intercontinental trading Magical constructs and tools Divinity and Crusaders
  Godly worship
6 Industrial Revolution, Steampunk Steel, Standard firearms/cannons Heavy War Ship, Frigates and Galleons +Steam/Magic Small Airships Advanced chemical remedies Steam engine,d/c, and batteries Ocean-based global trading Magical ships and homunculi Dedicated holy sites, structured monasteries, churches, and temples
7 Mechanized Improved Firearms Ironclad Ships and Destroyers + Advanced Steampunk Airships and Aircraft Advanced prosthetics Steam turbines, hydro-electric power, natural gas Air-based intercontinental Nexus automation technology Theocracies and centralized religions
8 Atomic Automatic Firearms, Artillery Submarines and Jet Propulsion Aircraft, Large Airships, Carriers Bionics and vaccines Geothermal power, diesel, oil processing Air-based Global Trading Teleportation and waygates Divine or dietic oracles and champions
9 Modern Modern Firearm Rocketry Modern chemicals Nuclear power Space and Planar Trade within global Leyline Tapping Refinement Demi-gods
10 Future Future technology Spacecraft and Warp Cores Cyborg and advanced bionic replacements Fusion and dark matter Outer space interplanetary trading Interdimensional Teleportation God-king
Big thanks to Penguin, Miz, and the community for helping design this chart


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