Imperial Bureau of Security and Intelligence Organization in The Chronicles | World Anvil

Imperial Bureau of Security and Intelligence

Will you keep it down, or do you want to get us all dragged out of here because of your talks of defiance against tyrants - Worried Patron

Public Agenda

To ensure that the security of the Imperial Allegiance is secure from all threats that are foreign and domestic by any means necessary


Shadows of the Alliegance

  The Imperial Bureau of Security and Intelligence or the I.B.S.I is part of the Allegiance military that deals in domestic and foreign affairs across its many member states. They are considered a national entity and have jurisdiction that can reach any part of government and military. They are often feared for their cold nature and means of getting rid of threats that may stand against the Allegiance. Often dealing it espionages and subterfuge, and even assassination. They even target their citizen if they are believed to be acting against the government in any way and will be dragged from their homes without a warrant to arrest them. Those that are captive of them are often but through heavy interrogation and torture for their actions against the government. Along with extensive reprogramming to remove any signs of rebellion from its citizens before releasing them back into society. They are one of the most feared groups to be founded in the Allegiance, and no one is safe from them as they seek out and eliminate them no matter their status in society. Once someone is targeted, it is most likely that they will hunt them for the rest of their life; at any moment, they could be captured or killed. It is one of the reasons why they recruit cold heard and ruthless individuals in order to achieve their goals and their fierce loyalty will often make it possible to do anything if they wish it.

Find, Secure, Neutralize

Military, Intelligence
Parent Organization


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