The Confederation of Bellum* Organization in The Chord | World Anvil
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The Confederation of Bellum*

On the far side of the Chord lies the mirror image of Concordia. An entire planet rich with soil and water, with a biological output to rival even Concordia* or Cardinal*, Bellum* is the economic powerhouse of Transhadar.    And for the past 70 years, it's hegemon.


The Confederation began with a similar structure to the Concordance, with "Daughter Confederates" in place of member states. In fact, it was the Concordance's disinterest and incompetence with Bellum*'s local problems - and the lack of member states' rights to handle those problems - that led the Republic of Halcyon to seek secession.    Ironic, given the current nature of the Confederation. Today, the Confederation is extremely centralized, suppressing local cultures and upholding both racial and political domination. While the Confederation is run as a sort of representative republic, the Confederation's leadership has the final say in who is allowed to represent the daughter confederates.   The Confederation is split amongst three branches: the Senate, the High Confederate, and the Interpreters. The Senate forms the legislative body of the Confederation, nominally the highest authority of the land. It is formed of representatives of the daughter confederates, though by vetoing every choice they disapprove of, representation is effectively dictated by the executive council. In poor behavior, Senators may be removed at the pleasure of the Interpreters.   The Interpreters form the judicial branch of the Confederation, and are responsible for settling disputes of law and property. Specifically, they address disputes by examining the Compact of Confederation and lesser laws, and interpreting how the founders would apply the law to the specific case at hand. The Interpreters also interpret just what the founders mean by the "poor behavior" necessary to remove sitting Senators. In practice, this means they granted themselves the authority to impeach Senators.   The High Confederate and his Privy Council form the executive branch of the Confederation, and hold the power to veto representatives from the daughter confederates. In general, the High Confederate is responsible for enacting the wishes of the Senate, and is elected by them. With their power to elect and remove Interpreters, the High Confederate holds extreme power over the Senate. Yes, it's convoluted, and according to the scholars of the Concordance, self-defeating. They conclude that the whole enterprise was expressly set up to end in despotism. The Confederation would have long ago claimed that theirs is an enlightened, restrained form of democracy. Today, they instead embrace the dictatorial powers of the High Confederate, and see Concordian republicanism as a blighted, old fashion practice. The policies which allow the High Confederate extreme power are now seen as wise and farsighted.


The culture of the Confederation aligns heavily with that of their Concordian cousins: peace and order are the highest ideals, along with a hearty respect for the rights of private property. But the Confederation mirrors some of the worst aspects of Concordian culture as well. Where Concordia keeps her native sons in positions of power by norm and tradition, the Confederation does so by explicit policy and formal exclusion. The biggest difference between the two is that the Concordance proclaims that all humans are created equal, Confederate policy preaches that all humans are not created equal.    Concordians are better. And Concordians that recognize that fact are better still.

Public Agenda

Aside from Concordian supremacy, the Confederation seeks expansion and autarky. Under the Concordance, Carolus (or Bellum Alpha) was exploited for its extreme biotic and agricultural output. As the most bountiful planet in Transhadar, Bellum* was expected to feed the entirety of Transhadar in case transit through Hadar* were ever barred for extended periods of time. Because of this, Bellum* has long been pigeonholed into agriculture. Now, with independence, the Confederation seeks to reach the same level of industrialization as Cishadar.   The Confederation industrializes to achieve autarky, or self-sufficiency from the rest of the Chord, as quickly as possible. Of course, Bellum* can only build so many factories, refineries, and drydocks so fast. Claiming industrialized systems on their side of Hadar is another. And it's faster. Over the past 70 years, the Confederation has laid claim to the many star systems surrounding it. This is achieved by conquering small, independent states that the other powers of the Chord won't protect, or by coaxing states through diplomacy to renounce their ties to other powers and accept Bellum*'s hegemony. The Barcid Archipelago in Atluu* is the shiny jewel of the Confederation's conquest regime.


The primary asset of Bellum* is their wildly varied agriculture. Not only does the planet Bellum Alpha, or Carolus, feature the widest biodiversity in the whole Chord. Not only is Carolus the breadbasket of Transhadar, but the unique biosphere of the planet also has numerous industrial purposes. Carolus's tropics are covered in vast plantations growing steel meal, stellar-grade leviathan wood, and kingcotton, alongside the staples that feed the system. Having much of Transhadar rely on Bellum*'s exports eases the Confederation's conquest efforts.   With Bellum*'s united nature and economic status, it is no surprise that it would have a well developed defense fleet, but a defense fleet is an uncommon thing in the galaxy. What puts Bellum* in the likes of Concordia*, Cardinal*, and Long*, is their interstellar fleet. Having an expeditionary fleet capable of transiting systems with the ease of the CTS is what makes a great power in the Chord. The Confederation has three fleets capable of interstellar transit, though the second is tied down in the occupation of the Barcid.


The 850s were a difficult time for Transhadar. The Concordance, shocked by their stall in the Cardinal War and the recent Hadar Shipping Crisis, was wavering in its faith in warfare. Given that Cishadar was still living in a golden age, this wasn't much of an issue on that side of the universe. But Transhadar was facing issues their cousins were not.   With the discovery of an Ameselan enclave in Spruu*, fear of the ancient threat rose. Combined with the devastation of Castra in Taino*, and the system's decent into a haven of piracy, middle Transhadar was in dire need of help. The Concordance not only provided nothing, but bound its member states in red tape. At least, this is the tale told by the Confederation today.   The Halcyon Republic, a middleweight player in the Carolus International, used these crises as justification to secede from the Concordance. In reality, Halcyon was a Concordian supremacist state, and took great issue with the Concordance's racial progressivism. They saw Concordia giving up the mantle of empire, and so sought to claim it themselves. In 861, Halcyon alone broke its ties to the galactic government and prepared itself for the riposte.   The Concordance responded with condemnations, not actions. A number of loyalist member states on Carolus, lead by Lexen Station in the outer planets, declared war on Halcyon, but the Concordance failed to support them. After a year of brutal fighting, Halcyon was still standing, but barely. Lexen fleets held space superiority, but were unwilling to bombard Halcyon cities. Seeing that the loyalists stood alone, without the greater Concordance at their backs, Carolus split. The majority of Carolusian states supported Halcyon, and over the course of 4 years, conquered their planet. By 866, Lexen capitulated, and Halcyon claimed dominion over Bellum*. The Bellum Confederation was born.    Throughout the Chord, member states began abandoning the Concordance. The Pax Concord was over.   It took more than a decade for Bellum star to produce the Fleet of Halcyon, their first interstellar expeditionary force. It soon swept through the stars, claiming interstellar territory and creating daughter confederates through Transhadar. The first age of Confederate expansion ended in 918, with their absorption of the Barcid. For now, the Confederation has bit off more than it can chew, so it must consolidate. But very few actually believe Bellum is finished. It's only a matter of time...

Imperium Gentis

Founding Date
Alternative Names
The Bellum, The Confed, The Bellend (popular in Atluu*)
Predecessor Organization
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

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