Aethersleep. Condition in The Children of the Cataclysm | World Anvil
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The devastating disease.

Something many of the worlds inhabitants fear, is the result of the Temperbees sting. Aethersleep, or Godclaiming is a condition that leaves the victim paralyzed and unresponsive to the world.   In the first years after the humans came to exist, there was a pandemic that laid the western isles deserted for millenia. Many families, poor as well as wealthy, perished during the years later dubbed "The Sleeping Era" and the era is the reason why so many of the worlds original families suddenly disappeared from the worlds surface. The disease later on made several reappearances, but none of them had the same devastating impact as the first.  

The Sleeping Countess.

One of the most well documented cases of aethersleep, was the case of Urial Pullbeassant, the Secondborn Daughter of House Pullbeassant. The barely grown girl from the western isles most revered house, slept for 30 years due to a severe case of the disease. Her father Count Acery Pullbeassant of House Pullbeassant, was so devastated by grieve that he saw enemies wherever he looked. He killed his son, Hierar in the notion that the innocent son was responsible for the daughters condition. Later on he, in a daze of crazed madness, led his vast army of channelers into an fictional battle against what he thought was the people who had made him suffer for eternity.   Count Acery drowned when he tried to get his horse into the raging waters of the Middle Sea, the great body of ocean inbetween the Western Isles and the Arayian mainland.

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