Arenara, Dark Goddess of Lust Character in The Cage | World Anvil
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Arenara, Dark Goddess of Lust


Once, the goddess of love, Arenara was among the seven gods who started the second divine war.

Divine Domains

Lust, love, carnal desires, temptation

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A black rose

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To convince mortals to indulge in their desires

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As the goddess of lust, it’s debated if it’s physically impossible for her to not be in shape and a 10

Body Features

Has devil wings on the small of her back

Facial Features

Crimson eyes and has a pair of fangs in addition to long eyelashes, full lips and smooth skin

Special abilities

A certain level of mind control and the ability to patron and administer demonic arts. Can also sense desires in people.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears a fur lined collared top and leather

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Arenara used to be one of the most virtuous goddesses of the pantheon before she advocated for truth and her divinity was corrupted by her father and sister. She became the goddess of Lust and the mother of demons. She’s had relations with many of the other gods since her fall and has had thousands of children of varying species.

Gender Identity



Pansexual. Gods don’t care

Failures & Embarrassments

Was defeated by Avoros during the second divine war

Intellectual Characteristics

High intrapersonal intelligence

Morality & Philosophy

Carnal desire is nothing to be ashamed of.


Divine Classification
Dark Goddess
Current Location
Year of Birth
2765 C.A. 15082 Years old
Crimson and piercing
Long and silver
5’ 6”
118 lbs
Known Languages
All of them.

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