Nine Meditations In The Temple Of Chromatic Enlightenment in The Bubble | World Anvil

Nine Meditations In The Temple Of Chromatic Enlightenment

Original draft : 21st November 2021 (80,219 words)
A navigation page for the tale of the nine meditations. Sections below are ordered from left to right and top to bottom. You can move forwards and backwards between the sections using embedded links at the bottom of each one or simply go directly to any section you want to read from this page.   Due to the fact that the sections within this story are of unequal length and some are very long, the article format I have used here may not be the easiest way to read it. As an alternative, World Anvil has a manuscript function which is designed for editing and presenting more substantial pieces of writing. In future, they plan to support the exporting of manuscripts to epub files which would allow them to be read on Kindle, for example (and other 3rd party readers) but this is not yet available. As an experiment with manuscripts, I've copied the story into this format. It's a nice online text editor, and well suited to an author's needs in organising material, although I am not entirely convinced yet, that it offers a better final reading experience (this may change, since it is still in development). If you would like to try it, the manuscript of the story is linked in the right side bar of this page.   The Temple of Chromatic Enlightenment is ancient and its builders are no longer a part of our universe. Yet, under the stewardship of the thinderin Light Guards, much may be learned from a pilgrimage. But at what cost?

Nine Meditations in the Temple of Chromatic Enlightenment

Articles under Nine Meditations In The Temple Of Chromatic Enlightenment

Cover image: Temple of Chromatic Enlightenment - Refraction by DMFW


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