Throne of Ash Geographic Location in The Body Divine | World Anvil
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Throne of Ash

The Throne of Ash is very poorly understood, but this much is known: it is aptly named as the seat of all that is wrong with the The Ashen Wastes. When the The Summerlord Malor Lavanaar III Sundered the land of Ngavar, the Throne was where it all started. A flowing pillar fire and light rose from the ground, taller than any building that was not a fortress. A wave of light and heat reached out from it. These were the physical manifestations of the Summerlord's fury, and devastation rippled out from here across the land. When the attack rebounded upon the Summerlord, his fury was turned to stone. For all the centuries hence, it has been cloaked in a storm of wind and ash, and crowned in the breath of the gods. At every moment, its shimmering crown is weaving monsters from the remains of Ngavar.
— from Twofold Armageddon: The Modern Ngavari by Quondrus Betelon


The Throne of Ash is a series of elaborate formations of pyroclastic rock in the Ashen Wastes, surrounded by a nigh-perpetual ash storm. The main structure is a colossal pillar, measuring 14 meters in height, the top of which is obscured by the storm. On the few occasions where it is visible, the top of the pillar is revealed to blend into an interweaving mass of tendrils of pure Godsbreath—one of very few natural manifestations of pure Godsbreath of sufficiently high concentration to be visible. These tendrils sway and undulate in precise patterns, gathering ash from the storm and forming into new Ash Wraiths.   The main structure is surrounded by the secondary structure, a large ring which is 5 meters tall at its highest. The outline of a cross-section of the secondary structure traces out a mathematically perfect parabola.

Fauna & Flora

Like most of the rest of the Ashen Wastes, one is liable to find ash wraiths at the Throne of Ash. The Throne of Ash is unique, however, in that ash wraith encounters are known to increase in number the close one draws to the secondary structure. Those few who have managed to pass the secondary structure have been subject to attack from the ash sentinels, and airborne breed of ash wraith seen nowhere else in the Wastes.
Rock Formation
Location under
Owning Organization

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