Ash Wraiths Species in The Body Divine | World Anvil
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Ash Wraiths

The malignant hunters of the The Ashen Wastes. The first of the ash wraiths were created from the remains of those killed in the Sundering of Ngavar. They sprang up first around the The Throne of Ash, where the Sundering began, and have spread out over the whole of the Wastes.
— from Twofold Armageddon: The Modern Ngavari, by Quondrus Betelon
Though not animals in the traditional sense, the ash wraiths of Sundered Ngavar have far too great an influence to not be mentioned in this volume. They are composed entirely of ash that has been imbued with highly concentrated Godsbreath. Their forms are fluid, but the ash that composes them usually coalesces into a shape reminiscent of a human being, but absent any detail.
— from The Beasts of Southern Munuth, by Alstrevus Grond

Basic Information


Ash wraiths do not, strictly speaking, have what might normally be considered an anatomy. They are composed entirely of ash, held together in a fluid, shifting form by a high concentration of Godsbreath.

Genetics and Reproduction

The creation of ash wraiths is heavily dependant on a location called the Throne of Ash. The main structure of the Throne draws in Godsbreath, and binds it into mundane ash to create the wraiths.   The Throne of Ash can draw in Godsbreath from the atmosphere on its own for this purpose, but the process is very slow. Much of the Godsbreath it acquires is brought to it by ash wraiths, which acquire it primarily through predation.

Ecology and Habitats

Though they are theoretically capable of existing anywhere, and have no ecological needs besides the universal constant of atmospheric Godsbreath, ash wraiths are known to restrict their movement to the Ashen Wastes, and will immediately attempt to return if they are removed.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Despite their famously high level aggression, they are not known to consume any physical substances. Instead, they sustain themselves by absorbing Godsbreath. Though they do drain the Godsbreath of their victims, they are wholly capable of sustaining themselves exclusively on the Godsbreath in their environment. As such, their predatory behavior primarily serves to fuel reproduction.   Ash wraiths favor ambush hunting, and will often disguise themselves as a part of the landscape an wait for approaching prey, or move while concealed by an ash storm.

Additional Information

Social Structure

It is a matter of some debate whether or not ash wraiths have proper social interaction, or if they act purely off instinct. They are able to recognize other ash wraiths in the wild, and treat each other with no trace of aggression. They bring Godsbreath they gather to the Throne of Ash, and some scholars have suggested that this is a sort of subservient relationship, but this is disputed.


Efforts to domesticate, or otherwise contain, ash wraiths are ongoing, under the direction of the The Dominion of Kul Khalesi. They are focused on the repellent effects of the The Salted Earth, and on the uncertain properties of the Throne of Ash.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The remains of ash wraiths possess are composed of a substance known as wraith-ash. Though other, cheaper, options for acquiring Godsbreath exist, wraith-ash has the highest amount per unit weight or unit volume of any substance in the known world. This is useful primarily in the study of Godsbreath itself, in which case the high concentration helps to isolate the properties of the Godsbreath from the properties of the object containing it.   Additionally, those in need of Godsbreath may choose to acquire wraith-ash if their need to conserve space or weight is a greater concern than their budget.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The entire population of ash wraiths in the whole world is located in the Ashen Wastes. Populations are constant throughout most of the Wastes, but begin to steadily rise approximately 5 km out from the Throne of Ash, and continue to grow as distance to the Throne decreases.

Average Intelligence

Though capable of planning and staging ambushes against prey, ash wraiths are known to possess intelligence of any kind. They lack cognitive function, and their behaviors are instead mechanisms and reactions built into their magical construction.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Following from their lack of sensory organs, ash wraiths lack any physical senses. Their capacity to perceive the world around them is limited entirely to their perception of the Godsbreath. They are able to distinguish between the natural currents in all inanimate things, living creatures, and other ash wraiths.   Their ability to perceive Godsbreath is more finely tuned than anything any mortal has accomplished.
Scientific Name
Arcano ngavaris
Average Height
1.7 meters, fluid
Average Weight
Average Length
Average Physique
As an Ash Wraith's body is a fluid mass of ash, they have no permanent physique.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Ash wraith coloration is a uniform grey, though they will often vary in texture from moment as a result of their fluid structure.

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