The black thorne continent The Sedibeng Universe Timeline

The Sedibeng Universe

This is the time lines surrounding the Characters within the Sedibeng universe and, mainly the Jongiwe tree.

  • 10000 AP

    The Birth Of The Stena Yethu
    Political event

    Ten Thousand AP.

    The Sterena fought a civil war with the mixed races within the territory with no name. Calling it Sterena Yethu, in honour of their power and victory.

    It was a hard land to maintain cold desert, ruining the land, the rivers at its heart being it's saving grace. Upon it their nation was created.

  • 5000 AP

    The Birth Of Sedibeng
    Political event

    There were better lands out ther e and a trade off was made with the pathetic, weak Chui Yetsimbi House: The Ndlovu House

    The Ndlovu Housetook what they had earned, changing the name to Sedibeng

  • 4500 AP

    The Creation of the God Tree
    Political event

    There were many reasons why The Ndlovu House worked to get such tough land.

    One being its sheer size and its geographical location. All on a checklist on what would best suit their experiments.

    Their top experiment being to put to work The God Tree, the greatest natural structures of all time. Their culture's greatest experient.

  • 1000 AP

    The towers of wood
    Political event

    The desperation to grow become enough to force a deal with other Chui along with their houses. Things were going amazingly well.

    There was a huge change in the climate. It put them at risk of ruin, outside forces threatened their destruction.

    Desperate, and eager.

    They gave up their authority in the name of the bigger picture. It was enough to secure the land and allow them to grow their God Trees so large they blotted out the sun and could be seen multiple territories away.

  • 327 UA

    8 Third Moon 11:00
    327 UA

    8 Third Moon 19:00

    Khaya Raider Birth
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Khaya Raider, the last born child of the Raider family. The future father of Aphiwe Ndlovu-Sana.

    The birth of a young man changed the game for his family as boys are a great commodity. Even if the boy has no noble blood at all.

    North Sibini
    More reading
    Khaya Raider
    Additional timelines
  • 330 UA

    Thato Birth
    Life, Birth

    The Birth of the hidden genius, Thato Ndlovu-Sana. A loving mother and a briliant student with a dark present.

    Additional timelines
  • 346 UA

    Aphiwe's Birth
    Life, Birth

    This event is the birth of Aphiwe. An adorable little girl who opened a book that changed the fate of her family.

    More reading
    Aphiwe Ndlovu-Sana
    Additional timelines
  • 348 UA

    The War
    Civil action

    In beggining of the 348th year, the Humans, Green Water Stone Knights who begun their war by building a damn in an attept to shut off the Life river, the life blood of their people, ona choice was made to declare war with the Nomlambo nation.

  • 349 UA

    Khaya's Passing
    Life, Death

    In the middle of the war the pair Khaya Raider and his perfect woman Thato Ndlovu-Sana were thrust into a war with Thato bending hell and earth to make sure they were together throughout.

    But it wasn't enough as he was seperated and as died heroically in an attempt to complete a major mission. Their part of the mission succeeded but it wasn't enough as the entire mission was lost.

    Thato has never stopped morning a man she loved so much it made her functionally insane, impacting the entire family.

    North Sibini
    More reading
    Thato Ndlovu-Sana