Yamaka Species in The Black Thorne Continent | World Anvil


Consistant Speed

The Yamaka's natural speed is nothing that matches a horse or most mamals.
Instead what makes the Yamaka are it's aggression, intelligence and it's ability to move within the God Trees without risk of breaking their legs.
They can literally move at a speed matching The Ufeleyetsimbi at a head long sprint, running continously.



One of the most difficult elements that comes with animal husbandry, most especially when it comes to raising animals of war, is their ability to keep their composure while in the middle of a battle.
The Yamaka will not only keep their cool in the middle of a battle, it will act agressively towards it's master's enemies.



The Yamaka are naturally difficult to train as there are multiple elements involved to prepare in order to raise a single Yamaka.
Once all the elements are put together, it can be one of the most loyal creatures that can be raised.
They are able, with the correct training, listen to commands, almost comprehending words to some level.

They have a social awareness which allows them to be carefully navagate their master's wishes and remain composed as to their master's wishes.


The Yamaka are omnivorus able to eat vegetation along with insects and meat. The smartest things to feed them are sugar cane along with anything honied or meaty.

As a rule of feeding the Yamaka, it should be exclusive to the master.
Other people feeding them can be very confusing, most especially to the very young and an outright act of aggression for the very oldest of the Yamaka.

Fit for Sedibeng

Yamaka's are a rare type of creature which would be able to climb trees and carry up to three ilosi, maybe four Chui at the same time.


Armour plating and chainmail are too heavy to be worn for general purposes. They are fitted by nobility for war as it is extremely expensive to get, on top of the fact that it is profoundly expensive to simply raise a single Yamaka.

The general clothing they wear will be made entirely of layered cloth, it is lighter and can be fitted quickly, it will also be designed to mark the colors of their sponsoring house.

Geographic Distribution


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