West to East CabuCabu Tournaments Tradition / Ritual in The Black Thorne Continent | World Anvil

West to East CabuCabu Tournaments

The Cabucabu Leadership between the two Cabucabu Indile and Deliwe Kuvuka, it is a point of pride to hold a vast amount of land for their species who are natural isolationists. But even so, they knew the key to the success of their people lay in fighting their DNA, instead reading and creating new ways to think, before an event called 'The Evolution' turns them all.

It's a theory created by a group of philosophers, Thato included, that says after a noticeable amount of time a species will conform deeper to their environment with each birthing.

They enforce this 'change' by building events destined to become traditions, biological trait.

Cabucabu are naturally territorial, more than willing to fight and kill for what's theirs. There was a need to curb this. Break down their natural sense of anxiety, and violent outbursts. Most if not all Cabucabu are forced to participate in these tournaments across all neighbourhoods, with the best of the best facing out in a grand gala where the more physically powerful families will oversee the fighting and then the final day where nobles are invited to watch.
These final days are all ways hosted in grand arenas where thousands of Cabu come together. This being what Cabucabu leaders hope will be what sticks.
It has yet to sink in, but the effect are clear with crime and death duels once in their tens of thousands, kept at bay.

Components and tools


Participation Markers

Participation is mandatory but there has to be a way to verify that you are either taking part or have lost or been eliminated. This is normally done with necklaces with a brand upon them.
  The individual brands will have a series of markers attached. These will point out:
  • The Current Round.
  • The Victory or Loss Status.
  • The Age Group
  • The Location
  • It's not unusual for there to be multiple necklaces on a person's neck because each round produces a new unique necklace, many winners wanting to stack them, even though you only need to wear the last necklace.


    Crowning Markers

    There is a reason for the necklaces beyond pointing out the cowards from the fighters, (Cowards being dragged into matches).

    The alternate reason is that the necklaces are markers of strength. The older your tag, the weaker you are considered to be. And the weaker you are considered to be. The greater the risk of being crowned. A Cabucabu would always look for an opportunity to exert their power.


    Quite literally everyone is to participate. The old, the weak, the young, even the adopted must take part. As the adopted are generally Ufele Ufele they'll likely participate with older children as they have a natural strength and durability advantage. Other races are invited too, after all engagement is the point of the tradition.


      Outside observers are always invited to watch. These can rank from lesser Tommy Breaker captains to Noble houses. From the Ndlovu retainer houses to the great Ndlovu houses who'll always be invited to watch, otherwise, Cabucabu leaders will be pulled to watch over from other locations, but that's considered an insult, so the Ndlovu-Sana house, who are proud sponsors, helping with materials and locations along with the municipalities will always send someone over. The early rounds being watched over by their children if the needed.

      Though there's never been a time when a supportive noble wasn't watching. The Ndlovu-Sana house always protect the Cabucabu leaders from any surprises that the other houses might create as, technically, anyone can participate, including Ufele people, noble houses too, which is where Babalwa and Kurhula Ndlobu come in because they're the best fighters in Sedibeng. Thato Ndlovu-Sana being a secret weapon beyond anyone's imagination.

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