Trusten Church Organization in The Black Thorne Continent | World Anvil

Trusten Church

The Trusten Church is really a shorthand for the Trust In Nature Church.

God's Window

They are based in God's Window with two churches there. One is one of the oldest inside of North Sibini. The head is held by a man, Bantu Hollow. He is a man who hasn't done his duty of offering his seed.

This has a cultural rebuttal to the notion that there is a need at all to build a culture that does not trust in steel.



To them they, through the use of over industrialization they fear that overuse might make nature an enemy and not partner.
Working with nature created abundance. To overdo it could cause nature to react, create a backlash. Ie through the petrification event every person on The God Tree fears.

But to be weak and subservient to nature too could have a backlash as well, to be dismissed by nature is to be killed.


Bantu Hollow

The leader and the founder of the God's Window branch of the Trusten Church faith. He, with the aid of his family and nobles from across different parts of the God Tree, he was extremely charming to the people around them.

There was a great deal of effort and study to impress enough support and sponsorships to get a space, God's Window was a coincidence but to him, it was fate, the inevitable result of good soil, good light and a good season. Something he greatly believes in.

But fate doesn't just have to happen. You can till good soil, you can place well to get good sun and you can wait for a good time. Fate is the inevitable result of a good sense of knowledge and outstanding work ethic.

Because of this his emphasis on the worker, the collection of individuals, the leaves that feed the tree in order to create the tree, people will very often come to him, listen to him talk and rejuvenate the spiritually.

Many encourage, he just replenishes and feeds them with flavour when he can, little heals more than purpose.


Despite its lack of size, the number of clan leaders and Nobility that have come to speak to the young priest have increased to a massive degree. This despite them having a priest and two buildings.

It started with something as small as a member of the Toga House, it soon grew to the head of The Ndlobu House and soon after the youngest daughter of the Ndlovu-Sana. The number along with the funding increased to the point where they had the funding and support to build a second church grounds.

Religious, Organised Religion

Other Churches

The other churches are often unwilling to share space with the church as the balance of church power has very recently split between the groups, the municipalities, the Grounds Keepers and the Nobles.

The mix between the different groups creates a pull and tug, even though the scale of politics appears small.


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