Thembeko Organization in The Black Thorne Continent | World Anvil


Warriors at Birth

They're considered to be some of the most aggressive and battle-ready Cabucabu in all of Sibini with roots spread wide, ruling arenas everywhere, including those of the other levels within the Jongiwe Tree.    

The Crowned

They're led by an Indle, their Head Crowner or 'Queen' who's so proud of her status she hosts a crowning tournament every year between the Cabucabu.   She's also the woman who raised Aphiwe and gave up her two oldest Olwethu and Luniko going to Thato Ndlovu-Sana as a part of the child trade ceremony.   Aphiwe Ndlovu-Sana found herself surrounded by Indle’s remaining children from 'mothers' she'd Crowned and claimed. Dunga, Phumla and Nofoto, became alternate sisters to her.   The Cabucabu are isolationists in their blood but under the Crowning system, they’re forced together. Forced to be a community by their Queen's command.  


Each Head Crowner, or Queen, decides upon what traditions stay or go.
The tournaments were a means with which Indle left her mark.
'Joined eating' quickly became the new means of connecting the isolationism within their species.

Fighting is something they’re used to as the act of crowning, marriage or asserting dominance is inherently violent. It must be enforced, which creates a dangerous situation as 'bad' Crowners are challenged more often when acting against the order of things. Which meant, crowning a lot of crowners. But her great strength has kept her in power and working forwards. It is also one of the reasons she has so many children and blood relatives. Crowning upon the loudest voice in the room, pulling them in as trophies but eventually advisors. This push by her has had a troublesome ripple effect, which has led to a growth in their clan through acts of war with smaller groups.

Geopolitical, Great house
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations


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