THE NIZINJA PEOPLE Species in The Black Thorne Continent | World Anvil


The husky voice belonged to Hammer, a non human and a member of the Nizinja race. Black and brown fur covered his body, he had a black snout with black and brown pointed ears at the top of his head.
He wore hardened leathers which covered his body, adding to already aggressive features.
At all times he looked moments away from getting his teeth around Nceba's neck and pulling his Adams apple out before cooking and eating it.

Yet to Nceba's surprise, Hammer's expression had softened quite quickly.

"I was just," Hammer began but Nceba was already walking.

Nceba stopped and turned. "Hammer, the night guard, Erant and Lucy give their wishes to Madam Fair."

"Lucy?" Hammer echoed back bewildered.

"The captain of the night Watch's oldest daughter." Nceba replied.

Nceba didn't have to look at Hammer to know that he was lost. His people, or rather he, had a history of being very straight thinkers.

Basic Information


They have a structure which promotes targeted speed and strength combined with manoeuvrability, making them multi-talented warriors.

Genetics and Reproduction

The birthing cycle of all Nizinja are the same, with a five month birthing period. Woman are only able to conceive during their heat ritual where their birthing potential were at their most potent. it is at most potent. It's incredibly rare for a female Nizina to be impregnated outside of their heat.

Growth Rate & Stages

They grow quickly, moving out of their infant and toddler phase faster than humans do. They are fully able to marry, mate and reproduce by age ten. Though all three sub race cultures generally consider it wrong, if not heinous. One must wait until the child is 15 or older before mating.

Any Nizinja below fifteen is considered incapable of surviving let alone thriving alone, let alone with another.

It is then considered a part of culture to hold back on sex until culturally mature. Each culture it's own maturity ritual allowing one to do things such as get married or have sex

Ecology and Habitats

Their habitats vary:

The Black furs are mostly found in the savanna and Semi desert.

The Grey furs: With their long furs allow them to live in the cold and will find them up north and with the highest of the territories.

The White furs: Sometimes, insultingly referred to as the no furs. They are the most versatile but will mostly spend their times in as much heat as possible with as much water as humanly possible as they love it all.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They're omnivorous with meat being their main taste, with a tolerance for vegetables. They want to and age designed to hunt despite modernization and civilization.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their hearing is super human, matching and in many cases exceeding the hearing of a Black Air Raider, though the results can vary is the hearing of a Nizinja is more overall and that of a Black Air Raider has the ability to focus on a specific point.

Civilization and Culture


It is considered that the sub races were split apart by a cataclysmic event and that the island they evolved from separated from the Continent and moved through the ages.

The three parted from the whole and should return to the core. They dedicate themselves to a pilgrimage back home. But despite the different factions and the pilgrimages lasting centuries, they’ve never seen their home.

This, despite hundreds of faith boats being sent out, to the present day with plans moving into the future.

Thousands, if not tens of thousands of Nizinja give money to help the cause to go back and bring all faithful to the island. The searchers of Yesonto and the multiple pantheons, these being between the two.

Genetic Descendants
Average Height
1.8 to 2.5, higher medium ranged species.


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