Journal Entry Thato Ndlovu-Sana Research Notes 001 Prose in The Black Thorne Continent | World Anvil

Journal Entry Thato Ndlovu-Sana Research Notes 001

Cabucabu Ligament Strength

The Cabucabu's main arms are able to carry up to 250% more weight than their weaker lower halves.

It appears that no amount of diet or mental or physical training can match up the strength gap, but this does not mean there is no effect at and there have been serious results in both fields.

The issue appears to be long term, or impossible to change, evolution appears unlikely, but rather what has to be assumed is that there has to be long term encouragement a test.

But to ignore one is to weaken the other, equal need is required for equal strength.

In the same manner that a minor bone break can strengthen the body we must assume the most effective method lies between breaking, pain, mindfulness and of course muscle training the quad combo.

The earliest test subject was Shele's and her sister, Basa Thembeko, who most likely was subjected to the most strenuous training, testing, while Shele has the most painful testing, caught between hellish sequences of pain, use and recovery.

Both subjects have developed a clear advantage in their crowning tournaments, able to crown others within their first years of puberty, something that I will not allow to an extent.

I still need to measure the value of crowning for full aged women and the biological after-effects of crowning. I do not want either to be a victim of crowning, the loss of muscle mass and aggression is too noticeable.


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