Iar Bar Plague Hospital Building / Landmark in The Bastion Realms | World Anvil
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Iar Bar Plague Hospital

The Iar Bar Plague Hospital is an emergency hospital established in what is also a temple dedicated to the elder deity Brigid. At the beginning of the unknown plague, the leadership of Iar Bar decided to use this particular location since Brigid is the goddess of healing.   The main chamber is a sunken water garden that now hosts the countless beds of patients. The main caretakers are volunteer healers, with the most common being the clergy of the temple itself. The head healer and Matron of the temple is Eliona Róvengildin.  

Purpose / Function

The temple is still technically as a place of worship, but due to the high concentration of plague victims the general population of Iar Bar tends to avoid the area. The sunken water garden portion of the temple is divided into four sections with each section containing patients at various levels of illness.   The upper level that surrounds the sunken water garden is where any worshippers do their business and the clergical healers stay, when not actively working on patients.


The benches in the sunken gardens have been replaced with beds and storage crates of medical supplies. The upper deck of the temple is home to makeshift sleeping quarters and living space for the clergy staying at the temple. There are also temporary and smaller shrines dedicated to Brigid since the bigger shrines are not accessible to the general public.


The temple is fairly typical of wood elven architecture with simple yet elegant walls, but an abundance of greenery both inside and out. The entire ceiling and upper portion of the walls are covered in ivy.   There are three large statues of Brigid. The two smaller of the statues portray the motherly aspect of Brigid with her being portrayed breastfeeding an infant. The larger of the statues portrays Brigid's healer aspect with her concocting an antivenom using the venom of a snake. The snake's "venom" is the source of water that flows throughout the rest of the temple.
Alternative Names
The Iar Bar's Temple of Brigid
Parent Location


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