The atlamb expanse The First Intermediate Period
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The First Intermediate Period

Disaster / Destruction

ca. 680 FD to 750 FD.

Broken apart by infighting, the first Sunarian state dissolves into a period of chaotic warfare, as former client cities fight to fill the vacuum left by the collapse of the kingdom.

The city of Sunas experiences a number of bloody conflicts within its walls as power brokers and warlords compete for control over the city, in the absence of the royal family. With no clear successor, this state of anarchy spilled across the empire, and resulted in a period of warfare and violence as petty kings and cities fought and died trying to exert themselves as the new great hegemony.   Sunas would eventually recover though, when one of its finest generals emerged as the sole dictator of the city, and began a war path of reconquest and unification to bring Sunar back under the capitals yoke, like never before.