The Elemental Plane Geographic Location in The Arengold Forest | World Anvil
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The Elemental Plane

Remembrance of the Dragons

  When the dragons were determined too dangerous for the Arengold Forest,

Filli knew that placing them in the Vault would do no good.

She brought them to their own realm, where they'd be best.

But their eternal battle strikes the realm, as it should.


The Elemental Plane

  Filli made the decision to place the Dragons, a wish by a quite pernicious tribe of Kobolds known now as the Dragon Summoners. It did not take long to realize that the lust for power and knowledge by even the kindest of these beasts were too much for the young Arengold Forest, and the Vault would do little to contain such powerful beings.

While an unfortunate solution, the Kobolds who wished for the dragons are allowed to visit the Elemental Plane. Not that they would be able to survive for long; with how close the Dragons are to each other, battles are fought nearly constantly.

At the moment, the Elemental Plane is in a wary peace. While skirmishes break out all the time, they rarely end in deaths. Instead, the Elements gain territory.

The Elemental Plane is currently ruled by Fire, which covers 30% of the entire plane. The Red Dragons were the first wish of the Kobolds, and are the eldest.

Even so, the Dragons are a young race of beings, and their lust for knowledge is not sated by the Elemental Plane. The Kobolds wished for their evolved for to be as curious and thoughtful as they are, and Filli did not disappoint.

The Dragons can never come to the Arengold Forest... And yet, it is only a matter of time before an intrepid and curious Kobold brings them back anyways.

Plane of Existence

The Wishers

There are 4 primary Dragon "Summoners," the Kobolds who wished for the Dragon races.
  • Brusk, Red Scaled Kobold of Flames
  • Lila, Blue Scaled Kobold of Waves
  • Grik, White Scaled Kobold of Winds
  • Duk, Brown Scaled Kobold of Ground

These four Kobolds are in contention for the rule of their tribe. They listen in most part to the Draconic element that is ruling the elemental plane. As of 3000 P.W., Lila is the current ruler of the Kobold Tribe of the Dragon Summoners.

Notable Dragons

Similar to the Kobolds that wished for them, there is a leader of each scale color of Dragon.
  • Tensenyu, Fire Dragon. Controls most of the Plane. Despite being the oldest dragon, does not have any brood. Primarily interested in warfare and weaponry.
  • Nespathu, Water Dragon. The wisest of the Dragons. Primarily interested in artwork and crafts.
  • Iori, Wind Dragon. The youngest of the dragon lords. Wished for Crystal Dragons. Primarily interested in weather and temperature.
  • Juthenu, Earth Dragon. The unmoveable Dragon lord. Primarily interested in peace and rest.

The dragon lords do not consider each other to be family, but are friendly enough to never allow their battles to be lethal.

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