The Dratchi Tablets Document in The Archipelago of Adventure | World Anvil
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The Dratchi Tablets

The Dratchi Tablets are a collection of ancient historical and religious texts and artworks written in clay tablets. It is from these that we know much of the world's pre Age of Expansion history, however some historians have claimed that some of the tablets are merely fictional, however it is not easy to distinguish the facts from the fiction.

Document Structure


The Dratchi Tablets are organised into 77 verses or sections, each documenting a part of the history. The Sanctum Mystic of Lenthall has possession of 76 of them, which have all been studied deeply. However, the 17th verse is missing, as has been for hundreds of years. This has sparked interest in the world of archaeology, theology and divination, as it seems that this verse was very important, as from the 16th verse to the 18th, it seemed that the world had been rewritten - Gods were slain, cities in ruins, and kingdoms crushed, but almost the strangest thing of all about these verses are that new, even greater civilisations were already rising again from the ashes.
Manuscript, Historical

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