The Unseen World in The Age of Embers | World Anvil
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The Unseen World

The Unseen World is a parallel reality which coexists with the material world (henceforth named the Seen World). It is a realm of abstracts and the mind. Not many people know the the Unseen World's existance and often conflate it with the world of demons, ghosts, or the afterlife.  

Ethereal Plane

Everything that is invisible, intangible, or in essence insubstantial in the Seen World, those qualities reside here. If someone is made magically blind, deaf, or numb, those senses would be transferred into the Unseen.


Since the incorporeal reside here, this realm is the home of many shades of those who died as well as various Mainyu who do not wish to be in the Seen World.


When Seeing the Unseen. One can see various magical effects and enchantments such as blessings, Soulbonds, and other effects.  

Realm of the Forms

Every time someone thinks of anything, be it person, item, location, or abstract idea, it materializes in this world and only disappates when forgotten. When sorcerors create something “out of nothing”, what they are actually doing is transferring their abstract thought into the Seen World.  


Those who can See the Unseen are capable of seeing the surface-level thoughts of those around them. Only by attempting true mental spells can see deeper thoughts.

Inner World or Mindscape

Is the location of these deeper thoughts. It is a fully-formed world in an of itself that dwells within the mind of a person. When people dream, they enter this world.  

Land of Dreams

When one slumbers, their soul partially leaves their physical body and enters the Unseen World. The soul is tethered to the body, keeping the soul from being taken by the Entropic Sea. If that tether is cut, the person dies.

Land of Nightmares

One of the most common form of Mainyu dwell here. These are called Nightmares who specifically target dreams and the minds of others.  

Astral Plane

Those who enter the Unseen World will realize that, due to the collective thoughts of the commoners and that “space” isn't thought by them, travel to some of the Nine Companions is much easier since the vast distances are almost nonexistent.  

The Entropic Sea

Many occult Magi and the Mainstay often use these two interchangeably, stating they are one and the same. However, the Entropic sea dwells within the Unseen World. Despite almost being ubiquitous, locations where Entropy is almost nonexistant (i.e. Troughs), are still traversable in the Unseen World.

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