Starfire Island Geographic Location in The Age of Calamitous | World Anvil

Starfire Island

The mystical island of the south.


The island consists of mountainous regions, vast open grass fields, and rolling hills.
It is surrounded by ocean on all sides, but have multiple grand lakes around the island.
Parts of the island is considered tropical while other areas are more temperate.

Fauna & Flora

The island has some rare species that inhabit both the dry land and the lakes.
One of the rare species is the White Tigers that lives here. To the elves, the tigers are a symbol of Ashira, the Ethereal.

Natural Resources

The island has a vast amount of minerals, plant life, and animals.
The elves have built a lot of their structures from the resources found on this island, including multiple wood types, different metals, etc.
Silver is also a mineral that is found in various caves around the island.


The Akachena elven people was the first humanoid species to ever set foot on this island.
With its untouched nature it was designated a sanctuary for the elves.
  The island itself is surrounded by an unnatural mist that makes it difficult for travelers to come across this place.
There is a strong current in the water surrounding the island, which pulls ships around it and redirects them to the Vanquished Island.
As part of this mist, navigation is impacted, which renders certain tools useless.
  The name Starfire comes from a meteor that struck the heart of the island.
It contained a unique mineral that the elves have now built a temple around.
The meteor struck hard and got burried beneath the surface, but with time, the elves established a sanctuary hold around it.
Its unique mineral is only used for small items such as jewelry, while the core of it is highly protected.
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