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Huntsman Tweeter

Insects suck, but this bird eats insects and flies with 0 concept of mercy all while being able to be trained to use a tiny litter box. I just made little bird-cats didn't I?

They have 0 fear of humans, but with peck with a serrated beak at anyone who puts their hand near their chicks, building nests in the rafters of houses and swooping down to feast upon the insects that humans draw in. They will also throw hands with and kill rats with 0 mercy or hesitation because rats eat their eggs.

Cats will almost always leave them alone on the basis of only needing one look at that beak to know they're not doing anything to mess with that nonsense and rats run away from them. I should clarify these things can fit in the palm of your hand.

They do also live in the wilderness slaughtering the insects but humans is homies.

check out the story this world is a setting for in this story-telling Discord (you can tell your own stories too):

Basic Information


Their wings are like those of a hummingbird, allowing them to hover in the air and pull off all kinds of aerial manouvres as they massacre and consume the insects.

Genetics and Reproduction

Males spend the early autumn singing to females to impress them. Their voices are an indicator of lung strength for flight and proper beak shape.

Pairs mate for life with a "if you die I will murder our chicks if they can't become adults by mating season and either way I'm back out finding a mate" from the females and a "if you die I will remain single for the rest of my life and die to defend the chicks. Once they grow up I will continue to regularly accompany and check in on them as adults" from the males and before you think that's weird: yes it is and also it's what foxes have.

They lay 2-3 eggs.

Growth Rate & Stages

They grow up and leave before the mating season after the one they were conceived in. Females will settle near their parents, with habitation of human homes often meaning they'll live next door - possibly killing other Huntsman Tweeters to seize ownership - but males will venture out very far for mates.

Ecology and Habitats

Human homes and forests with short, bendy trees.

Dietary Needs and Habits


Biological Cycle

During autumn they bring home lots of dead insects and at the end of autumn they eat them all and build fat reserves to last them through Winter. If they can still fly after they've finished eating all of their autumn catch they're gonna die of starvation.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Front-facing eyes. You know when something has those it's built to fuck up someone's day. Can smell insects.
Descended from robins
Conservation Status
Not endangered. Thriving, in fact.

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