The Valley of Death Geographic Location in The Aerth | World Anvil
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The Valley of Death

There are stranger things yet undiscovered in this Valley of Death, but no one has discovered them. Not yet. Either that or the discoverer was killed before telling what they discovered. The discovered discovery slaughtered the discoverer and so returned to being undiscovered.   Something like that.


Through the valley runs a river, north to south.   The West side of the valley was originally devoted to inventive plants. Ferns. Foliage. Fens. Anything that starts in the dirt and stretches out from there.   The East side of the valley was originally devoted to inventive animals. Bovine. Birds. Badgers. Bugs. Anything that starts on the dirt and wanders out from there.   Of course, through the centuries since its creation the valley has blended together. Animals crossing to eat the plants. Plants crossing to pierce the animals. It's now all combined into a happy harmony of death.   Currently steep cliffs surround the valley on all sides. Vines have climbed higher than the trees now and have almost gained freedom into the mountainscape beyond. The river gains entrance through a grate and leaves through another in the south. Everything else is clogged in a murderous embrace in the middle.

Fauna & Flora

Gorgeous birds that are even MORE beautiful of feather and MORE sweet of song, just before they devour your pets or livestock with even MORE hunger.   Cows of such expansive energy that their milk is already curdled. They provide liquid cheese from their udders and, if they've been chewing the right barley, it's alcoholic. Also a few have been known to fly at nights, playing with the Gobbets hanging above the Valley.   Sheep that fluff out in silk laced with acid. So smooth. So shiny. So corrosive.   Wolves that howl such sweet lullabyes to the moon that their prey is drawn to them   Bugs that make intricate and poignant designs on leaf and twig. There is such a sway and swing to them that your finger longs to trace it as well. Of course these bugs are only found tracing their pleasure on poison ivy.   Fish of such flowing fin and lithe sway that all hope is lost. You have to swim with those fishes to find it. Surely. Possibly. Obviously!   Fruit bushes of excessive vibrancy that even just walking past them slathers your tongue in succulent fruit juice, but which are poisonous if eaten.   Trees of thick adventurous branches they are no longer able to be separated from each other. They are very loving, snaking their branches and twigs around and about. However, brush its knobbled bark and you will be swiftly drawn into this embrace. And killed.

Natural Resources

The resources you may find within are the following:  
  • Strength of purpose?
  • Determination to succeed over all others?
  • Motivation?
  • You will certainly not find a lengthened existence.


    Magna Genan was an inventive Terra Magna. He often wondered why the previous Magna's had been content to let the land produce stereotypical crops and bloom drab flowers. Why had they been content with grass glomping deer when they had the ability for so much more? The potential! The possibility! The peace-loving, placid, persnicketers!   Thus he founded a secret valley, deep in the mountains, that could allow him to develop his wondrous contributions to Magnaship. He'd be known as the Terra Magna that helped the world get past its drab shell. He'd be known as the Terra Magna that enabled freedom to escape everyday life. In the end, he was known as the Magna that went insane and killed himself with a new form of adorable bunny.   His nephew, Fry, was next in line for Magnaship and promptly took action to right the wrongs of his uncle. The whole family had been shamed by Genan and had often wondered what the Gobbets saw in him that drew them toward his insanity.   One may wonder why all these horridly delightful things haven't run rampant about the rest of the Aerth. If they did escape it would surely be the end for most life forms, except the stone skinned Trolls of course. Terra Magna Fry, seeing what his uncle had created, lifted and joined the stony walls of the mountains surrounding the valley. He also turned the stone walls into stone impossible for a Troll to Travel through.   Now it is only the birds and the flying cows that sometimes escape. The Atmos Magna, so pleadingly begged by the Terra Magna, couldn't find anything he could do from the sky to keep them down. Tornados just excited them and also ruined the beautiful valley at the same time.   The Terra Magna hadn't wanted to destroy his uncle's work, only contain it for future reference. Perhaps the valley held the hope of a future epidemic in its varied wilds. The flowers and broad-leafed trees seemed to be morphing into new specimens whenever the number of Gobbets bobbing above the valley grew in number. There was a secret to this doubling/tripling life that the Terra Magna wanted to figure out. If only farmers fields and gardens could be so encouraged. Nobody would go hungry then! Famine would be forgotten. Everything would be lush and lingering.   The secret had died with his uncle, unfortunately. Perhaps the hopeful young Terra Magna could find a way to this abundance without everything trying to kill everything else. There was hope in this Valley of Death. Hope was just hiding in fear.


    Tour if you like, but take a Troll Guard with you and wear full armour.
    Alternative Name(s)
    Magna Genan's World of Wonder. The Loopy Magna's Prison. Lush Insanity. Deathly Beauty.

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