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The Adventurers of Midgard

1642 SS, 1st Cycle of Summer

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The world of Midgard is one of new threats, horrors and adventures awaiting around it's corners for brave Adventures to face. After 100 years of peace and stability at the heart of Midgard it has come to light that days of war have not come to an end but are now back in full force. The remaining Kingdoms and the powerful Guilds of the war struggle to handle the threats worrying if a war happened between them that the loss of life would dwarf that of even the great War of Dragons from times past.     In Midgard the dwarven smiths are crafting the finest weaponry, large monuments as symbol of there skill and ego, cities inside of mountains and what ever else they are given the peace and time to forge. The Elves of the Court of Thorns, the greatest city to ever exist, have adopted much of human culture while still having great pride in there connection with nature and the forests that surround them. Inside rest great heroes have yet to fall to old age thanks to a gift bestowed by the goddess of beauty to those worthy to help aid persevere the goodness in the world. The elves of smaller forests, hills and mountains still prefer there solitude. The human have raised great kingdoms and have proven despite there short lives that they can create monuments and cities to rival there longer aged allies.   To the far south the Ifrits of the deserts hold on to the scraps that they have been left with after the war of fire, some thankful to be spared after there people waged war on the rest of the world and lost, others remember all to well of the travesty and the dark desire for revenge.   To the south east holds the great cities in the mountains of the lizardfolk, there the golden skinned sit atop of thrones made out of gems and crystals hungering for a larger claim to this world.   To the gloomy north, on the frigid ice capped mounts lay few cities of the dwarves who can breath the environment, tribes of humans, orcs and trolls who prove there might by fighting to claim ownership of the somber lands. Giants rest there and beyond the bleak expanse all pray that nothing breaths in fear of what could have moved the dragons that came down from there 300 years ago.     This world has many stories to hear, to uncover and to forge.

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