Westvaldian Rye Species in The Sea of Starlight | World Anvil

Westvaldian Rye

Westvaldian Rye is a type of grain native to western Esca. Since it's cultivation the crop has been popularized throughout the continent as it can withstand bad weather, grows throughout the year and has a decent yield. The rye is grown and cultivated throughout the year in temperate climates and grows best in fields close to forests and woods.
  Westvaldian rye is used for various types of bread, whisky and beer. When processed, Westvaldian rye has somewhat of a bitter and nutty taste, which makes the addition of sweet and salty flavors required for a better bread or beverage. The straw of Westvaldian rye is rather soft and instead of being discarded, it is used for bedding in the countryside. Farmers and tailors even use this byproduct for the manufacturing of straw hats as well as simple woven bracelets that are often made specifically to be worn during festivities in the summer and autumn.
Geographic Distribution


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