The Ashen Ones in The 4th Race | World Anvil
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The Ashen Ones
“Gnawing hungrily in the black chambers beyond the light”
  The cosmic entities known as The Ashen Ones may be the first and oldest presence in the universe. The Formless Void, The Deeper Darkness, and the Lords of Disorder. They are the Watchers in the Darkness and the Mist in the blackest regions of space. They are cold, malignant and completely alien, made of nothing and yet something. They seem to defy all known laws and have an unknowable power over the cosmos that defies reality itself.   Almost everything known about The Ashen Ones is either ancient, hoarded and secret knowledge or long lost observations of deep space. In the distant past the first race was able to track and study a few notable entities, the process was however extremely difficult and only the knowledge of their colossal size and inconsistent effect on the universe was recorded in any detail. Throughout the life of Calera they have been worshipped as dark and hungry gods, by insane cults and hidden sects. Few come close to knowing the full terrifying truth however and thankfully they have had little impact on the world as a whole.   The Ashen Ones seem to have been a part of the universe since the very beginning, but it is unknown whether they had any part in its creation.
No humans should be aware of The Ashen Ones, however, I have heard a few first-hand accounts of death cults and mad worshippers of distant star gods in my travels. This is a troubling and dangerous mystery, and the accounts are believable enough to warrant a much closer investigation of the dark influence the Ashen Ones can wield upon Calera in the future.

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