Death nets
Prompt 27: A tradition which keeps monsters or bad luck away
Death nets
Death nets are small, string-woven nets, placed beneath a person's bed to prevent evil spirits from rising up and taking over a person's body or stealing their soul. They are made from ordinary objects but must include a feather, a lock of hair from the person sleeping in the bed, a silver charm and a drop of human blood placed in the center of the net. These nets can be found under most beds in the north of Thar’kor and under the more paranoid person’s beds in the south.
The tradition arose in the late imperial age throughout the regions occupied by the undying khan. The nets were originally imbued with a spell of protection against undead, or the use of holy water with a bless spell, to prevent various specters, wraiths, ghosts and other evil creatures from harming people in their sleep. A common occurrence under the Khan’s rule as he allowed his undead and demonic minions to terrorize the living. Since the post-imperial age the magic has been disposed of, but the act of making and placing the net lives on as a reminder of the terrors that haunt the darkness of night.
It is an odd cultural superstition, and a common trend in the plebiscite of Thar’kor, that whilst magic is shunned and feared, some of the rituals that help to bind that magic are carried on in the towns and villages. In this way, the cultural memory of the ancient magics is passed down through the generations and now and then, an innate magic user is revealed when a simple ritual results in an un-intended casting of a magic spell. In the case of the death nets, the innately cast spells don’t show but provide the desired protection, thus some in Thar’kor sleep with protection that will be needed in the near future, whilst most merely sleep soundly with the false hope of protection against the evil that lurks just on the other side of the veil.
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I liked your article, the last sentence was particularly striking, it piqued my interest!