Thildzig's Gecko Species in Thaiterra | World Anvil
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Thildzig's Gecko

This tiny amphibian lives closer to the surface than most species on Thaiterra. They are an essential part of the ecosystem when it comes to pollinating the plants of the smaller oases that exist nearest the surface of the planet. They are tiny, hardy creatures, capable of surviving in much lower temperatures than most other types of geckos.   In some areas they exist so thickly that it can be hard to move without stepping on a nest. They are ubiquitous, kind of like squirrels or mice. Some people keep them as pets, but it's hard to call them domesticated.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

These geckos lay clutches of a dozen or more eggs, every 10-11 full days. It is typical that an average of four of these eggs are fertilized, and if properly cared for will hatch in 22-25 full days.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They eat small bugs and worms. They usually eat about once a full day. In special circumstances, they can go into a kind of dormant state and go without food for up to 14 full days.

Biological Cycle

The geckos shed their skin every 7-8 full days (40 hour days).

Additional Information

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Thildzig's geckos are unique in how they have very sticky tails, that pick up seeds and pollen. Ostensibly the tail is for movement, as they will wrap it around branches and use it to maneuver, but the stickiness also makes them a major pollinator. If a gecko pops up somewhere, they're less of a problem for being themselves, and more of a problem for gardeners because they will inevitably end up introducing some kind of weed to a new area.   That being said, those same gardeners will race to collect the shed skin of a gecko, and plant the tail. Kind of a mystery bag for plants. No idea what will pop up, but it will definitely be a fascinating mix.
Average Height
2.3 cm
Average Length
6 cm
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The geckos come in a variety of vivid blues and purples. A fair number will have speckled markings on their backs, usually in black or white.


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