Djavu Rank/Title in Thaiterra | World Anvil
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Grandmaster of the Hrrmengaan .


The Djavu must have been a member of the Hrrmengaan for a significant amount of time, and have come up through the ranks. There is a minimum age requirement as well, that varies from region to region but is usually set somewhere around 150 years old. They should have produced at least one collected book of their work, and have made several public speeches. It is also usually expected that they should have a number of apprentices, both currently and successfully graduated.


The person being considered for the position undergoes considerable vetting, and whatever academic work they have produced (and there should be a lot to even be considered) will be scrutinized. When the number of candidates is down to 5 or so, they are brought together without prior warning and told to give a speech about a topic of their choosing. The higher ranks of the Hrrmengaan listen to these speeches, and then choose.


The Djavu dictates the focus and direction of the philosophies being studied. They are expected to teach extensively, and to keep the peace between the disparate viewpoints that can spring up. All this on top of the usual duties of a member of the Hrrmengaan.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

If the Djavu is shown to knowingly be a liar or a hypocrite, they are immediately ousted from their position and the organization. Other than that, they just have to retire. There have been Djavus sent to jail for murder who still retained the position.
Academic, Honorific
Equates to
Grandmaster of a guild
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