Molyna Character in Teryn | World Anvil


Molyna, also known as Moly, woke after Oram. The others sought to teach her, but she refused to conform, for that was her gift and curse: independence. She picked up what she felt would be useful moving forward but was constantly questioning 'why' they 'had to do things this way.'   Because of this, she was a jack of all trades though master of none: as good as any of the others in anything except their specialty.   Those who saddle her with the flaws of pride, vanity, and a short-temper merely want to justify the view of Moly as a troublemaker. Most accounts will tell that she felt strongly and passionately about everything and at all times. Her anger was depthless, her love eternal.   She bore the Ushgēd known as Khālakgus, the 'hand of lava,' a prosthetic left arm made of silvery metal from the shoulder, completely covered in rūn. Moly never spoke of how she acquired it, what prompted its need, or if it was a voluntary sacrifice. But with it, she could hold glowing hot metal and crucibles in her bare hand. Legends also speak of her ability to channel a ray of heat like the sun from the arm.   She founded the city of Molyhal, and the clans Khālakgus, (Ragefist), and (Firehand) claim direct descent from her.   The element lead, known to Shāmalta as melun, is named for her.


Khālakgus: a prosthetic left arm said to be immune to earthly heat, the bearer to open flames, and able to channel the radiance of the sun above into a deadly beam. It is known that all who succeeded her as ruler of Molyhal ritually excised their left arm to bear Khālakgus themselves. The artifact was lost, like all the others, when the First Empire fell. Those descended from Molyna still search for it as their birthright.
Divine Classification


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