Cahari Peoples Ethnicity in Terrevinden | World Anvil
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Cahari Peoples

Millennia ago, numerous tribes of native peoples inhabited the vast continent of Terrevinda. Separated by great distances and variations in both geography and climate, their culture and language varied substantially. Some were nomadic, some settled. Some were warlike, some more spiritual. Some were renowned traders or fishermen or horsemen. Collectively, they were the Cahar. According to their mythology, they were all descended from the first humans who shared the lands with gods, giants and fey creatures.   Then the foreigners of Sendar arrived in the lands from overseas. With weapons and armor of steel, more advanced knowledge and technologies that the Cahar had never seen before, the foreign newcomers were able to defeat the Cahar tribes time and time again in battle. Over the course of centuries each tribe of Cahar people have either been destroyed or displaced by the Sendars.   Today the only Cahar tribe that still retains the land it held 1000 yeas ago is the Tuara. Having had the least contact with non-Cahar influences, the Tuara are often regarded as having the most traditional form of Cahar culture. Strictly speaking this is not correct as Cahar culture has always been very diverse.
Related Nations
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