Etherious Creation: The Magnum Opus Theory Document in Terrestria | World Anvil
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Etherious Creation: The Magnum Opus Theory

Ether's ability to change on its own accord is one of the mysteries many researchers are still trying to uncover. It has been observed repeatedly that the only outside force that can influence the nature of ether while still retaining its stability is through resonance with the nature of other ether. Many disregard further study on this topic due to the argument that it would serve very little purpose, there is currently an uncountable amount of different ether blueprints in the world that will, theoretically, forever influence each other, deepening and intensifying their complexity over time. This argument has merit, in a functionalist sense, but further study is more so focused on how the first blueprint within ether came to be and how that single blueprint, with no other blueprints to be influenced by, evolved and branched of enough time to create an environment where change through influence could occur.
  The current most prevalent theory suggests that the process of etherious resonance has similarities to biological evolution, and this was the first of three phases of etherious evolution. The cornerstone of biological evolution is mutation - imperfection, and this theory believes that resonance is itself imperfect with the raw ether unable to perfectly replicate the original's blueprint as well as ether blueprints themselves being very slightly mutable, resulting in minute changes that accumulate over time. Eventually the compounding polarity of a collection of ether will cause the force of etherious attraction to weaken enough that a single collective of ether separates into two bodies. This process would have continued until there are enough distinct ether blueprints that they may begin working off each other to continue evolution, eventually forming the many complex etherious blueprints that eventually formed current reality. This second phase of etherious evolution, dubbed empathic dynamicism, would have been significantly faster that the one that preceded it, but both still would have proceeded on an incomprehensible timescale.
  Aside from the still enigmatic 1st phase of nihilogenisis and the well-codified 2nd phase of empathic Dynamicism, there is a theoretic 3rd phase that has been gaining much traction in scientific circles due to its profoundness and hastily growing body of supporting evidence.
  The first and second phases of etherious evolution would have been well and fine to explain the nature of ether's nature, but history as introduced a collection of instances that form a variety of inconsistencies in those two theories. Thus, science has proposed a potential 3rd phase named and structured around a certain alchemical process, the Magnum Opus Theory.
It proposes that the destabilization of Id is not merely a biproduct of sapient life but is instead the agent of the 3rd phase of etherious evolution and even suggests that gnoscanima was an integral factor in the birth of sapience.
The process proposed by this theory is split into four parts, the first of which was given the name nigredo. This stage is one that everyone is familiar with as it is, in essence, the destabilization of ether into Id or gnoscanima. This theory proposes that pure unattuned Id is the rawest and purest form if ether, at state of infinite possibility. It's explain to be like 0, since it is nothing, it can become anything. Even when it acquires a blueprint, this blueprint is simply a stain on the Id, still subject to change and at risk of being washed away.

The second part has also been observed to occur naturally but is significantly less common. in fact, Albedo is the same process as the awakening of an ability, the pseudo - stabilization of Id, one product of this process being etherious cores. It is the deep impression left behind in the ether after it had stabilized from Id. It's purification in a sense, the destruction of Id being linked with the purification of impurities, leaving behind the aspects that are meant to remain. Though, this "stability" remains incomplete, struggling for stability while being unable to remove its new contents.

This and the next part only exist in theory and have yet to be recognized occurring naturally. Citrinitas is described by this theory to be an enlightenment or a reconciliation, the pseudo-ether gaining the capacity to completely stabilize, implementing the aspects of Id that persisted even after albedo. During this phase the ether would enter an extremely volatile form not dissimilar to the erratic nature of Id, almost like it's going through a sort of nigredo again. It's comparable to a chrysalis, where the soon to be butterfly is essentially melted into primordial soup-like slush to go through metamorphosis.

This is the final stage where the ether has successfully restabilized from Id while retaining some aspects that it should have lost. These new aspects now becoming fully integrated and as if were there in the first place. Thus the cycle continues, accumulating new aspects until becoming something entirely new on a massive timescale though still much faster than any other form of etherious evolution.
Journal, Scientific

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