Dragons Species in Terrani | World Anvil
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Reptilian like beasts born from the intervention of the Ael from Draedians.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

There are 7 main breeds of dragons and 1 "cursed" breed. These are known as the Wyverns, Sea Wyrms, Sky Wyrms, Lung, Drake, Kirin and Lindwyrm. Another breed known as the Slibina are dragons that have committed a great crime and have had their identity revoked. Although dragons first appeared on Terraini only the Wyverns still reside connected to mainland Terraini via a Veil. All others reside on the disconnected former continent of Rostal. They have a biological hierarchy in that the magically strongest of any dragon in an area will turn gold signifying them as the king of dragons. Breed specific cues are gold eyes which designates an individual as a leader of that breed.  


Wyverns are the only breed of dragon still in contact with other Myrae as they had already distance themselves from their kin, choosing to remain in their homeland of Padun which itself is the last remnants of the Kaeost Era when all but Padun was destroyed by Roan. These dragons live among the cliff side ruins of the Sephorian built temples away from other Myrae. This means that not only is their homeland difficult to reach for most other species but the secretive and distrusting nature of the dragons means that there is a lack of first hand knowledge of their culture. They have a tribal system in which mated pairs and their hatchlings band in close knit villages or tribe consisting of around 10-20 family members. Each tribe has a matriarch which tends to be the eldest female in the village. She typically cares for the well being of the tribe and ensures all the families have what they need to survive. The Matriarch will also handle small disputes between family units. Above the Matriarchs is the Wyvern chief or the strongest Wyvern. This title is held by Typhon, whose primary job is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the entire breed as well as handling disputes between clans and doles punishments for criminals. Each family unit typically consists of a mated pair and their offspring and their mates. This is in large part due to the fact that Wyverns are the most parental of the dragon breeds and will care for their young until they reach full maturity, which for dragons, could take hundreds or thousands of years. The males are the primary brooders and typically care for the young and nest whilst the females hunt and provide for them and their offspring. Males are fiercely protective of their hatchlings and nest and considering they are typically more powerful than the females means there is just about nothing that would predate their eggs or hatchlings aside from other Wyverns.   Due to the females being the primary hunters males are the ones that typically try to sway females in order to mate. Wyverns are mono-sexual and typically mate for life, so females with great hunting skill are prone to having multiple male suitors. In vying for a female the males of the breed are especially prone to "acts of service" or displaying their domestic skills. Like most breeds they will also tend to present gifts from their horde to a potential mate. Wyverns can be seen as one of the most enthusiastic of courters of the dragon breeds as they will relentlessly shower their potential mates with gifts, and service until the female outright rejects them or accepts. Wyvern's are drawn to artistry and construction. This breed is highly proficient in mechanical work and are very hands on with the upkeep and maintenance of their horde. They have a preference for use rather than display or storage of their horde and thus often the quantity of the objects in their hordes are small but the quality is significant. If a female accepts the advances of a pining male and agree to mate them the male will typically create a nest for he and the female to reside. Females of this breed are often treated as though they are a part of a males horde. They are viscously and thoroughly cared for and protected above all else aside for their offspring which males will tend to be overly careful and doting about due to a low clutch rate. Females of this breed are very active as hunters and this has led to a small clutch size and significantly low clutch rate where a female may lay 1-3 eggs at a time and not be ready to produce another clutch for some 50-100 years after. This has kept the population of Wyverns low and mortality rate being high. There are also no hybrids of this breed as Wyverns do not typically travel outside of their homeland or interact with other Myrae. There is only 1 known instance of a Wyvern taking a non dragon mate and that is the Chief Typhon who has mated the witch Rae. It is unknown if they will be able to produce offspring.   Wyverns like all dragons are reptilian in appearance with two sets of limbs. They are primarily carnivorous but also ingest minerals particularly metal ore. They are one of three of the species with wings though they are more suited for gliding than flying great distances. Their forelimbs consist of a wing membrane structured around modified fingers. Due to the structure of their wings they tend to walk either on there front knuckles and hind legs quadrupedally with wings tucked up or bipedally with only their hind legs touching the ground. These dragons do not have horns but do have large frills made of skin and cartilage where ears would be and down their bodies. The frills typically end at the base of or shortly down the tail and along the sides of their neck and chest. They tend to be a sandy, rust, or bronzy in color with similarly toned eyes. Like all dragons they have cross shaped pupils. Unlike most dragons, Wyverns don't have ridged scales or scoots. In fact they are mostly scale-less with only the ventral scales being prominent. Some Wyverns have scattered dorsal or frontal scaling but these are scattered and do not cover a significant portion of their bodies. A lack of scales has led to a habit of body marking in Wyverns, so they are often covered in clan specific tattoos. Though dragons in general have the ability to change physical form to that of another species this skill is out of practice and few Wyverns remember how to do it. Now that Typhon has decided to mate with a human the Wyverns are feeling more comfortable interacting with other species. This has led to a need for transformation crystals from Sacara in order to fit into a smaller area. Humanoid Wyverns lack significant animalistic features aside from their ears which are reminiscent of their ear frills. Dragons taking humanoid form on without the aid of a transformation crystal however greatly resemble harpies in that their arms still retain their wing structure and the have clawed legs and a tail.

Sea Wyrm

    These dragons are serpentine in appearance and have adapted to life in Rostals sea. Sea Wyrms are a fickle bunch and rarely come together except when necessary. Their King is Lotan whom is the largest of their kind. Sea Wyrms are one of the two largest of the dragons, and tend to be extremely vicious looking. They tend to have       These dragons live in bodies of water and are reptilian in appearance. Though they are unable to fully fly, their front fins are shaped in such a way that they are able to glide above the water in order to catch prey. Lotan dragons live in an underwater fortress near thermal vents. Their society is rather frivolous, collecting and hording anything interesting to them and using the objects to build castle like nests. Nests are made of mating pairs and young offspring. Females choose mates based on both the size of a males castle and the males playfulness. Disputes between the members of this breed are typically handled with games. The loser of the game is the loser of the dispute. A yearly contest of skill determines who will represent the Lotan in the counsel.     Sky Wyrm: Lung: Drake: Kirin: Lindwyrm:       Fraenir: These dragons are serpentine in appearance who grow heads with age (Currently with a max of 8). They sport a set of "gliding" wings in which they use to travel from ravine to ravine. Fraenir live in mountain regions and have an especially strong taste for gems, going as far as to rip their scales out and replace them with Gemstones. They have the ability to ingest and then regurgitate lava which they use to bore through mountain sides and earth in order to find their gemstones as well as make their homes. Fraenir all live within a hollowed out volcano in family nests. A nest is usually one male with multiple females and their offspring. Males with more gems attract more females and the male with the highest number of females within his nest is considered the chie (Note: Fraenir are not very intelligent. Hence why they didn't realize that Cinri wasn't of of their breed. :I) Ryujin: The Ryujin are sky dragons that are serpentine in appearance. Due to the high altitudes they have developed fur along with their scales. Because they freely manipulate the wind these Dragons have not had a need for wings. They live among the clouds in a highly civilized society. These dragons value intelligence above all else and those who have acquired the most knowledge receive the best mates and standing within the community. There is a council of elders that decides the rules and regulations for the rest of the Ryujin. The elders also help solve disputes in trials. Drakien: Drakien live in forest environments and are arguably the most annoying breed to deal with. They have a general disdain for doing anything that can be considered 'work' and live their lives frivolously. Drakien have horse like heads and bulky bodies. Their scales are often the platform for various vegetation growth as they have a general habit of sleeping for many years. There is no structure or government between these dragons and males and females just, mate whomever whenever they feel like it. They do not have family structures either so offspring are left to their own devices. Zmey: Zmey are reptilian in appearance with huge wings. Zmey do not have 'scales' but instead their bodies seem to be condensed magic. Keeping and containing this magic they have a kind of armor plating covering vital spots This armor seems to denote a Zmey's ranking. Zmey are highly hostile in nature as they pride on magical strength above all else. The stronger a Zmey's magic the larger they become. They often have huge battles amongst each other in order to establish ranking. Of course the strongest Zmey is the considered King. A king Zmey develops Golden armor automatically, how this happens is currently unknown. Slibina: Slibina are dragons who have done something so horrible they are no longer considered Dragons by any breed. A dragon who is classified Slibina is stripped of their name, breed and magic and then exiled from all settlements. Slibina are rotting, husks endlessly wandering around Rostal with no direction or purpose until they eventually fall apart and cease to exist. Slibina are desperate to regain their status and are sometimes known to murder other dragons in an attempt to steal magic for their own.

Genetics and Reproduction

All dragons of every breed are egg layers. They will lay eggs in small clutches of up to 20 or so eggs which take about 10 - 12 months to fully incubate and hatch. Eggs must be kept warm and the practice of roosting or coiling is common to keep them warm. The duty of roosting is more often than not left up to the male while females continue daily rituals and hunt for food. There are a few breeds that co-roost however.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dragons do not age like humans and most other species do. Instead they grow in great spurts directly related to their magical output and control. As a dragon learn to harness their magic they grow and the level of magic they can access is greater. This affects their size and age appearance in humanoid form as well.

Ecology and Habitats

Dragons inhabit all niches and can thrive anywhere. They are highly adaptable but habitats do affect selection and have created breeds that are adapted to certain climates and habitats that others would not thrive as well in. It is not that other breeds couldn't survive but adaptation has made a dragons niche their own.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dragons are largely carnivorous and require diets rich in proteins and fatty acids. All breeds are also known for consuming rocks and gems. It is suspected that they receive some form of mineral supply from doing this but it is unclear what benifit they gain and how it effects their morphology. Being as they are dragons have never questioned this craving for rocks.

Biological Cycle

Dragons are born from eggs and primarily males are the ones brooding the eggs. Different breeds treat their young differently. Wyverns are the most parental of dragon breeds and care for hatchlings until they have matured enough to go off on their own, this can take some years which is a huge commitment. On the other end, Sea Wyrms are the least parental as the eggs are incubated inside of the males egg pouch and are left to their devices once hatched from the pouch.

Civilization and Culture


History: Dragons are the first species descended from Draedians making them a very proud species. They originated on Terrani before their dislike for the war between the druids and other species caused them to leave in search of their own world. They were followed by other "Mythological" species but ultimately they have an apathetic view of the others. After moving to Rostal the Dragons quickly established ranking as the dominate species and have since grown in size and numbers. With no natural enemies or battles really the Dragons have gained a desire for magic. They wish to ascend the rules of the trinity and obtain the limitless power of the Celestials. Description and Powers: There are six breeds of dragon; Fraenir, Lotan, Ryujin, Drakien, Zmeys, and Slibina. Each has developed in a different climates and thus have different appearances and abilities.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Conservation Status
Although there is currently only one breed of Dragon (the Wyvern's) left living on Terrani. There is a significant enough population to not be concerned but a true census has not been made due to their secretive nature
Geographic Distribution

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents:


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