Muscova Organization in Terra Rynn | World Anvil


The Muscovan Union, or simply the Union, is an alliance of over a hundred dwarven clans, codified into a single identify. Once enslaved to the Kajat Titanlords during the Age of Heroes, the Muscovans enjoyed a relative brief period of independence before being conquered by the Turathi empire. With the empire now just a memory, the modern descendants seek to expand their own hegemony over several of the remaining clan holdouts and secure the resources and territory to prevent any future conquests. Muscovans define themselves by their clan first, church second, and guild last. Astute diplomats or envoys in Muscova learn this fact-of-life quickly, or find themselves left in the cold.

Muscovan Clans Names

Any original lineage the dwarves had before their enslavement was lost to time. After their liberation, habit caused many muscovans to continue to refer to one another by their former overloard’s name. Attempts to craft new names failed to take rout, while changes to express their independence, clan surnames such as Rava (Bane), Bich (Scourge), Zoba (Malice), Kosh (Terror), or Shram (Scar) became popular. Nonetheless, many remain bitter at this tradition, angry that the convenience of reference to their fellow kin was tainted by their former master’s culture.
  In any official ceremony or presentation, Muscovans are expected to use their formal surname, as a means to reaffirm their liberation from the titan lords. In practice, however, many times people refer to each other merely by the shorter name (simply their ancestral titan clan master), out of expedience.

Clan Relations

One of the few things that has kept them together is their shared memories and histories, and their general determination to not be ruled by a single dictator. As a result, the number of dwarven clans has grown from a few dozen to nearly a hundred, as established clans worked to break up territory of clans and families (sometimes being forcibly relocating whole clan branches) in order to keep any single clan from becoming to large. Unsurprisingly, the exception of the Konites in the northern hinterlands remains a contentious issue among most Unionists.
  Each Clan is free to organize themselves however they see fit, though most tend to follow a familial/feudal arrangement. The only exception is that each clan is limited in their territory before it must be divided, and each clan must have at least one representative who can speak for the clan at the Assembly of Chains. From there, any disputes that cannot be resolved by the Clans can petition the Assembly to mediate the dispute, at which point clans are bound to submit to the will of the Assembly, on penalty of expulsion. As most clans are limited in their territory (and therefore resources), it is almost unthinkable to rebuff their judgement, lest a clan be excised and left unprotected from the Union as a whole.
  This structure has worked well to prevent the development of any single dictator internally, and a strong cultural tradition of hardwork and cooperation have gone well to foster economic development over the centuries. Additionally, the Union has shown the capacity to rally a united force against external threats, as they remained independent for many centuries post-sundering. However, in the face of patient and coordinated efforts of first pargothi and then turathi forces, the clans were picked off before eventually being conquered for several hundred years - kept divided amongst themselves under the rule of the High Warlocks.
  Unlike the titanlords, the Turathi Empire’s rule was far more lenient, so much so that many between Unionists began to question the inefficiency and prosperity that inhibited greater economic development. With the empire’s fall and their influence diminished, a small but significant number of former imperial regents sought to reclaim some of the benefits of Imperial governance in the Union tradition.

The Church of Mordune

Developed in parallel with the Clan structure, The Church of Mordune was a separate organization that lay at the heart of daily live in Muscova. Formed soon after the emancipation of the dwarves, the Church worked to forge the union, and remains a powerful institution of tradition and culture to-date. While the Church has never held any legal capacity to enforce its proclamations or judgements over the will of the clans, it was more often able to persuade the populace to take up its appeals, and lobby for change at the ground level.
  In more recent times, however, the Church has come into conflict with various guild factions, who see the church as a rival power center that remains outside the influence of either their dictates, as well as that of the Assembly.

Federation of Guilds

After Muscova freed itself from its second subjugation, there was a strong push by some clan members to set aside some traditions, and establish a more centralized government, in order to prevent future occupation. While the formation of any singular ruling body was ultimately overruled, the Assembly of Chains relented in one respect.
  The result was the formation of a second assembly body, known as the Federation of Guilds. Smaller than the assembly, and lacking the authority to mediate disputes as the Assembly, the Federation of Guilds was empowered to create standards and facilitate consistent practices on everything from agriculture, commerce, manufacturing, and warfare. While the federation was not allowed to levee taxes, it was allowed to collect dues, and accrue resources beyond that of any single clan. Over time, this would allow the Federation to assemble power and influence over the economic activities of most of the Union.
  Several centuries later, the Federation is now the pre-eminent government of the Union, in all but name only. With the explosion of new technology, the Federation was able to leverage economic anxiety among the populace to demand larger dues and donations in order to facilitate huge public projects, such as the construction of Korov Dam, the formation of the Granite Fleet, and the training of Elite Kosgot Operatives. While the Federations still lack the legal capacity to enforce any regulations or extract any fees from Union clans, they’re ability to block use of these modern conveniences from use, or limit trade through a clan’s territory serves as effective leverage. Finally, concerns of corruption of clan representatives by guild ministers are an open secret, and many believe now that only a few clans have true independent representation in the Union at all.
  Culture Muscovan society, depending on who you ask, encompasses some or all of the dwarven populations of the eastern Kreata Mountains. Once, long ago, all dwarves knew one master - the Kajat or Giant Titanlords. For a long time, the dwarves were enslaved as client servitors to the titans, forced to work and war for them, unable to resist their rule.
  When the dwarves finally broke the yoke of rulership, they had done so under the unification of several hundred dwarven clans. This unification was known as "Musco", meaning 'Binding'. In this way, the Muscovan people have been defined and filter most of their traditions and behaviors through this concept.
  In more recent memory, there is a growing tension between various muscovans regarding how strong the bond between each and every dwarf is, and if it should be strengthed or left alone.
Geopolitical, Country
Subsidiary Organizations
Neighboring Nations
Size: Large
Major Cities: 6

Density: High
Infrastructure: High  
Urban: 65%
Literacy Rate: 40% Rural: 35% Immigrant Population: 10%
Gender Ratio: 1.2 male(s)/female
Life Expectancy: 88.7 years   Culture Highly Values: trade skills Known For: artificing Popular Entertainment: politics/gossip Respected Profession: engineers   Discrimination: sex-based; slight Major Taboo: money Major Social Ill: mental illness   Ecology Main Climate: alpine/boreal forest Ocean: one side Mountains: many Frequent Trouble: blizzards/avalanches   Wilderness: 65%% Wild Animals: common Natural Resources: scarce   Economy Main Export: raw ore/metalworking Main Import: food crops Main Resource: rare metals Trade: a major surplus   Strength: poor, but climbing Wealth: wealth gap among clans   Magic Occurrence: uncommon Primary Source: inherited Major Use: protection   Viewed: with respect Enchanted Items: common   Military Strength: average Focus: land Main Unit: armored knight   Soldiers: conscription Main Use: exploration/expansion Rank: promoted by subordinates   Politics Political Structure: oligarchy – guilds Strong Influence: clan ties Popular Issue: economy Stability: stable   Personal Freedoms: decent Scandals: many Foreign Relations: decent   Religion Type: monotheism Focus: afterlife Worship: solemn prayer in organized temples   Associated Art form: murals Prevalence: believed by few Holidays: some


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