Brezthel Species in Terra Nova | World Anvil
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A species that, on a genetic level, is similar to humans. appearance-wise, they resemble humanoids and other mammals without skin, but are fundamentally wrong. they don't move, think, or exist in a way that is human. They form from fleshy masses of tissue and bone, and are a tool of an unseen force.

Basic Information


Most bioforms encountered are unique to an extent to each individual, but most individuals of each "type" (Brezthel that take on a certain role in the ecosystem or in combat) generally have the same shape and silhouette.

Biological Traits

Traits between similar bioforms vary wildly, though certain "types" have been observed as general trends in certain roles taken up by said bioforms.

Genetics and Reproduction

They do not reproduce like we do, but instead they perform a sort of budding, akin to plants. With motile bioforms splitting off from a larger hive from the surface. More complicated forms, however, are created in large sacs deeper within the hive, after a significantly longer time than its less complicated brethren.

Growth Rate & Stages

The growth rate entirely depends on the complexity. The more simple bioforms take a few weeks to a month, with more biologically complex forms that may take multiple months to form. The simpler creatures become fully mobile after budding from the surface of its formation, while the more complex ones are fully mobile when they are released from the sacs.

Ecology and Habitats

The optimal environment is one that they create to facilitate their exponential growth, after a long and multi-staged terraformation process. Creating large fleshy towers, pillars, mounds, and so on to modify the atmosphere and biosphere, replacing most autotrophs in the biosphere. (or just replacing the biosphere entirely.)

Dietary Needs and Habits

It breaks down biomass that it gathers via motile bioforms in acid-filled sacs in hives, and devours as much as it can, but not so much that it destroys the local ecosystem. (unless instructed to)

Biological Cycle

over time, the fleshy hives that this species creates


Almost all bioforms are aggressive and immediately hostile to humanoids, and larger animals, attempting to kill and drag their bodies into hives for digestion.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Typically as follows: Hives, other misc structures (pipes, dens, warrens, etc.), Nodes (communication relays), Warriors/Hunters (self-explanatory, have a sub-hierarchy),


Attempts have been made at domestication, but all have led to the person trying this to either go missing entirely, or be found dismembered, disemboweled, or replaced.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Typically used by certain parties as a Bioweapon to destroy entire civilizations, and this may be what is happening now.

Facial characteristics

Varies between bioforms, even moreso between types.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They are found in biologically-dense areas on the surface, and are more rarely found in caverns. Though, where they are found underground, their hives usually have at least one exit to the surface to allow for the "drones" (the motile bioforms) to hunt and gather biomatter.

Average Intelligence

The average drone intelligence is not that much beyond a typical animal, but lack certain behaviors found in pack animals like wolves and the like, their apparent hierarchy is more akin to an anthill, with the hive taking the role of reproduction, shelter, and main coordinator.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They form eyes, mouths, ears, and other such sensory organs seemingly at random, but all individuals can detect and send radio signals on various frequencies.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Bioforms and structures (typically hives) are fairly straightforward. Though the relationship between the different types of bioforms are a bit more complex, taking up different roles in hunting, and many more complex bioforms only being seen in warfare.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Non-controlled hives of the Brezthel likely see most other species as prey, as many small villages and many adventurer parties have disappeared. The most likely reason for these disappearances are either Brezthel or Gytharin attack.
Scientific Name
Carnis Instrumentum
Variable between types, generally 40 years.
Average Height
Variable between types, generally (with outliers) 37 meters. (without outliers) 2.5 meters.
Average Weight
Variable between types, generally 250 pounds. (bioforms)
Average Length
Variable between types, generally 30 meters (structures)   Around .5 meters
Average Physique
Typically humanoid, usually made up of muscle, bone, veins/arteries, and some organs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Typically blood-red, though there have been more recent sightings of bioforms that seem to mimic humans, though largely unsuccessfully.
Geographic Distribution
Related Myths

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