Terra Endless Horizons Sagas Timeline

Endless Horizons Sagas

The time of the Ventali Empire.

Industrial Age

14200 and beyond

Science expands and introduces new technologies to the world. The Empire adopts steam engines and builds railroads to connect major cities.

  • 14343

    24 Nanadyt 800:00

    8 Shaludyt 700:00

    Vibrius Inaugural Voyage

    House Jedalor Castatan Janali orders Captain Reinvo to take the prototype iron-sided steamship Vibrius on its inaugural voyage. The simple cargo run turns deadly when a storm drives the ship so far off-course the crew is sure they're going to fall off the edge of the world. Reinvo fights to save his crew, only to discover a place that shouldn't exist and which may yet get them killed as heretics.