Omnia Species in Terra (ROTH) | World Anvil


Basic Information


Omnia are an incredibly diverse race, considered a 'mimic' species, where they often take on the physical appearance and traits of their most recent non-omnia ancestor. A combination of these factors and that omnia were artificially created, be it by accident or intentional, their appearances vary greatly with the oldest among them primarily resembling humans or the more familiar vampires and mages and younger individuals more recent races or even hybrids of races. The omnia are more easily identified by a loose collection of common traits such as the anatomy of their eyes- a distinctive arrangement of multiple pupils they can close or open at will, distinctly larger teeth than their human ancestors, and natural abilities to shapeshift and take on multiple forms. Omnia also have a trait unique to dragonkin, as upon grievous injury that ordinarily will result in death, they can reform their bodies and omnia dying of age is unheard of due to similar immortality found in dragons.   All omnia posses another form, often called among them their 'true forms' that resemble between one and three wild animals combined. It is unknown how or why this trait developed, or why these 'true forms' seem to have no rhyme or reason to their anatomy. These true forms, after the death of Pivon, have been revealed to be a sort of 'larval stage' in omnia's natural development, a predecessor to their true function: draconic forms. As a result of Pivon's death and subsequent reveal that omnia are but a larval form of a new species of dragon, the vast majority of omnia have access to these forms, often based out of the prior 'true form's anatomy and animal components.

Biological Traits

Omnia have a unique immune system not found in other humanoids, much more closely resembling that of dragonkin. Most illnesses, bacterial, fungal, viral, or parasitic, that affect humanoids have no effect on omnia and are quickly killed by the body's immune system. Their immune systems are far more active than that of other humanoids, giving omnia immunity to a much greater array of conditions. This however, is a double edged sword, as the few diseases omnia can contract are almost exclusively those of draconic origin and wreak havoc on their bodies far more than it would in the typical host of the disease in question, generally not only being deadly to an omnia, but acting far faster with few medical treatments available. Another issue of omnia's immune systems is that it will attack any tissue that is not their own aggressively and often once triggered by blood donations or transplant of organs, will begin to vigorously attack their own bodies, only stopping once the omnia in question's body is destroyed and later reformed.   All omnia posses natural Immortality and shapeshifting abilities. Their magic resistance is also extraordinarily low.

Genetics and Reproduction

The reproductive cycle of omnia is largely unknown, but thought to function similarly to that of humans or their most recent non-omnia ancestor. Omnia can reproduce with any race and it is thought they can with true dragonkin as well, although no known cases of the latter exist. Most children of omnia, provided one parent is not an omnia themselves, typically are not ones themselves, leading to the theory that what makes an omnia is a highly specific collection of rare genetic traits.   There is incredibly little study into omnia reproduction, as most are incredibly reclusive and typically hide their status due to the political conditions of the world and do not wish to be subject to study. What is known is that pregnancy and early childhood are dangerous times for omnia, in part due to their extremely hyperactive immune systems, leading to pregnancies that result in miscarriage being much more common than for other races and that infants can be subject to catching and subsequently dying of disease far more likely. It is thought that with better study of their anatomy and medical care specifically attuned to the needs of omnia, these unfortunate statistics can be addressed more easily.   A curiosity of their origins, omnia are not just born from genetic mutation like many other races descended from humans and humanoids, but are also created. Humans during the uprising of the dragons who were subject to great amounts of Magical Corruption, if not killed, became incredibly ill and if managed to recover, became the first omnia. This process is largely unknown and next to no study has been conducted on it due to the incredibly high risk of death to infection and auto-immune responses.

Growth Rate & Stages

Omnia will grow at the same rate as the species the individual is mimicking, and once in adulthood, their physical growth slows and magical growth grows exponentially. At this point, they appear to stop aging, and remain 'young'. In reality, they begin to grow in their other forms and magical abilities. Only the strongest and oldest of omnia can reach a true form, as their entire species is the larval stage of a new kind of dragon- one born of the chaotic magic from the flights. Of those who reach it they turn into a fully fledged dragon, however so far this has only happened once in their history and much of the process is unknown. What is known is that the omnia must become extraordinarily powerful by absorbing the essences of other omnia and dragons, and those that seek doing so will be 'capped' at how much more power they can gain, as there will no longer be enough powerful ones left to absorb their power.   Omnia grow in power by learning new types of magic and absorbing the essence of other magical beings, most typically dragons and other omnia. As their power grows, they will become more draconic both in physical form and personality.

Ecology and Habitats

Omnia are at home in a wide variety of environments, living all across the globe both in wild, rural, and urban settings. Their ability to adapt to new situations is unlike anything seen in other species on Terra today, humanity's last gift to them and last shred of them left today.

Dietary Needs and Habits

All omnia, regardless of their physical appearance, are omnivores, but with strong carnivorous leanings. Due to their metabolisms being much more like that of a dragon, no matter the race they are mimicking, all omnia need to eat roughly double that of their mimic unless they wish to face disastrous results: the loss of control of what form they are in, mania, and unpredictable behavior. A starving omnia is prone to lashing out wildly until properly fed, and even those only mildly malnourished can become highly aggressive.   Omnia are capable of digesting a wide array of foods and matter that ordinarily, others have a hard time digesting. Due to a powerful immune system, they can tolerate spoiled foods much more often without the risk of illness, and many commonly toxic plants to other races, such as cocoa, tobacco, and caffeine producing plants, have little to no ill effect on them or even produce desired side effects. Omnia are rather notorious for being extreme omnivores, particularly older individuals who have lived through events such as the The War of Black Ash. Omnia surviving having eaten severely rotten carrion, poisonous plants, and living off of incredibly scarce food outside of their typical diet is a common story among the elders of their kind, with many having reported resorting to eating non-foodstuffs at times as well such as tree bark, leather, grasses, and typically nondigestible cuts of meat such as sinew and fat tissue.


Intraspecies Aggression

The omnia are not particularly social with their own kind, much like dragons in that they generally will only tolerate their own species in their personal space when the individual is one of their own romantic or sexual partners or their own young children. Their intraspecies aggression is so extremely similar to dragons that by most omnia it is thought the behavior itself did come from dragons when the species was created by them, such as with many of their other traits such as reformation, immortality, and immune systems, being a genetic and instinctive trait rather than a social or cultural one.   Like in dragons, gatherings of unrelated omnia cause them to enter heightened states of anxiety, stress, and fear that can often lead to aggression, territorial disputes, and brawls. Generally, omnia in such as state are much quicker to act territoriality out of fear for their own safety, especially when not within their own territories.  


As is seen in dragons, werewolves, and fae, the omnia also have a behavior of forming territories that often fall outside of legally owned land, dictated as their social space. Territories among omnia generally consist of their homes, frequent routes, living spaces, and common outdoor public areas. Some of these, such as workplaces, indoor areas outside of the living space or home, and others' private property or businesses are generally considered to still be a part of an omnia's territory, but against social convention to become territorial over or outwardly aggressive to other omnia within, particularly if they are passing through or using the space as intended, such as shopping or working. While not legally binding and territories often fall into land not owned by the omnia, their social conventions dictate that the holder of the territory be respected and given their space, with outsiders (that are omnia) to generally avoid passing into it, being destructive, or to make attempts in claiming it for themselves. This territorial behavior does not fall onto mortals at all, and all other races are ignored when it comes to territorial rights.   The heart of an omnia's territory is generally their home or one of their living spaces, as omnia do fairly frequently have multiple residences. Important areas such as these are generally the most highly guarded, and it is not uncommon for them to ignore other omnia that are within the fringes of their territory, but to become hostile to those too close to their dwellings. When others of their kind pass too close to their home, omnia can and often will respond with territorial displays, aggression, and force if they deem it necessary. Omnia who have young children, mortal partners, or infants (omnia or mortal) are much more likely to become more highly aggressive and use higher degrees of force when driving other omnia out of their territory, and do so from a much wider range.  

Warning Displays

When under high stress caused by another omnia's presence, contrary to propaganda and common belief, omnia will always use a form of warning display to their own kind to state their intentions. Although many variants exist due to cultural and regional norms, there are three main categories: passive, territorial, and aggressive, each with their own meanings and indicators of the omnia's level of stress.  

Passive or Fear displays

By far, these are the most common and most widely used, indicating an omnia does not intend to fight and that any acts of aggression or disrespect from them was by accident. Generally, omnia that use a fear or passive display are allowed to leave the area with no further aggressive response from the other. These displays are marked by the omnia performing them using long steady clicks in dragontongue, condensing and flashing their auras, and moving away from the other omnia steadily and without turning their back to them. A fear display however does not mean they cannot become aggressive however, as omnia who more quickly fall on fear displays when interacting with their own kind often are prone to much higher stress and may fear for their own safety to a much higher degree, often believing they must protect themselves with force. The common sign of respect for the display is for other omnia the display is for to also back away and leave them be and calmly repeat their clicks, denoting they are safe and will not be harmed.  

Territorial displays

Territorial displays are not uncommon, and on neutral ground, can often be used as a greeting between omnia at distance. The head is held high while generally held away from the target of the display, accompanied by low hissing or fast clicking, strong stances, and condensed auras. Unlike fear displays, omnia will not flash their aura, saving its energy instead for should a fight or territorial skirmish break out. When used in close proximity to one another, it is generally taken as a challenge and invitation to fight. It is also used as a way for omnia to reaffirm the bounds of their territories, especially when using it within areas they frequent. Unlike in dragons, the one who breaks the display first, returning to normal activity and posture, is considered the more dominant one and 'victor' if done as a territorial claim.  

Aggressive displays


Combination displays

Combinations are not common, most generally being a transition between different display types done improperly or by omnia under extreme duress. The most common form of them is a mix between a fear and aggression display, being the final warning to another of their own kind that an omnia will respond immediately with force if their warning is ignored or they continue to be pressured and their boundaries tested. Among omnia social circles and undergrounds, it is commonly accepted that omnia who use this form of display at all have very likely been attacked by an other omnia in the past, hence their extreme fear and aggressiveness, and that to push them and be attacked is one's own fault for ignoring the most extreme and blatantly clear signal they are to be left alone.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Omnia have a curious social structure where in they often to not interact positively with their own kind outside of their own family groups but are incredibly social and adjusted when dealing with other races.   Not known for being social among their own kind, omnia typically keep relationships amongst themselves to trusted few who have earned their friendship. Most relationships between omnia often involve that in the past, they have helped one another significantly in one form or the other, allowing all parties to overcome mutual feelings of territorial behavior. Often, omnia avoid gathering in large groups together and will typically only tolerate many of their own kind being in the same space at festivities, in large urban centers, or times of crisis.   Like most dragonkin, omnia are incredibly territorial with their own kind and known to become incredibly agitated, fearful, and stressed when many of their own are grouped together or an unfamiliar omnia is around their personal space and dwellings. Unlike dragons in this regard, however, the omnia do not typically function on a 'might means right' basis regarding their territory, generally only resorting to violence in driving out others of their own kind out of their space when all other methods have failed or they feel personally in great danger. The vast majority of omnia typically will react to such strangers by displays in Dragontongue meant to scare off the stranger, flee the area themselves, or try to quietly leave an area without notice.   Omnia can be quite aloof in their views of romantic relationships, partially due to their own social structure and partially due to other factors such as their immortality. Most do not view romance and romantic relationships as being a driving force in their need to be social with others, instead much more focusing on platonic relationships with senses of comradery and kinship. That said, omnia are fiercely devoted to those they do pursue and view in romantic lights, being incredibly attentive partners when they due pursue a relationship. It is thought that due to their long lifespans, omnia simply do not pursue romance as often as other races might, and will 'make up for lost time' as it were when they do.   A curious social behavior found in omnia regarding relationships of all kinds with non-omnia and non-dragonkin is that they are prone to creating generational relationships. Whether positive or negative, the omnia often hold onto feelings they had with members of a group or family long after those members have long since passed away, maintaining friendships or grudges with surviving members for decades or even centuries. This typically does not apply to those descended from people omnia have had romantic relationships with in the past, but more generally rivals, close friends, and companions.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

As the omnia were directly created from humans exploited by the dragons, and at least early in their history, regarded as the same as humans, they have been in the past and still today subject to many of the worst policies and acts of discrimination enacted by dragon-kind. During the War of Black Ash in particular, it was not uncommon for the omnia to be used as expendable soldiers and strong armed into positions to do the bidding of dragons else they would be killed, much like humans were as well. There has been an incredibly long history of dragon controlled areas refusing to recognize the omnia as existing at all to prevent laws and codes from being written to protect them explicitly as well, combined with the past actions of many flights, leaving a bad taste in the mouth of omnia in regards to their distant cousins.   An unfortunate reality is that due to their mostly hidden status and little research into their specific needs, medical care catered to omnia themselves is incredibly rare and hard to find. Often, only groups such as The Underground are the only places omnia can seek medical attention, often at the cost of incredibly long wait times and waiting lists, often times resulting in permanent damage or even death.   Currently in the world, there is a large movement dedicated to the rights and recognition of omnia, as even in areas not particularly against them, legal systems are not designed in a way to cope with their long lifespans, cultural norms, and generational traumas. Many areas have yet to legally recognize omnia as a race altogether, instead lumping them in with the likes of Shia's Dead, immortals, or Demigods as special cases and not a group of their own. As such, the majority of omnia have reported that at least once in their lives they have had to resort to less than legal means of getting identification, education, or jobs due to that they will often outlive their false identities they have constructed to navigate the world.

Facial characteristics

All omnia are defined by 'unusual' eyes, featuring multiple pupils and the ability to see across different planes, seeing what mortals and non magic users cannot. Most also possess unusual mouth colors and sharp fangs, extra teeth, and scaled skin around the eyes mid transformation.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Global- particularly high populations in urban centers and harsh environments

Average Intelligence

Human or greater

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Omnia, next to mages, are the most powerful magic users on Terra. Able to both see and interact directly with aura and essences, they have become masters of manipulating both to masterful degree in all manner of situations- healing, combat, and recreation. Learning new magics comes easily to omnia, as does creating new forms of it due to almost unheard of low levels of magic resistance.   Likely due to their incredibly low magic resistance, omnia are often prone to being masters of highly specialized magic, with individuals having affinity for particular forms that paired with their incredibly long lifespans and experience over such, allow for the growth of their skill to be far beyond that of the most dedicated scholar or researcher.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Dragontongue is like in other dragonkin, inherently known by omnia, although they will typically only use the spoken form and only amongst each other unless in a territorial dispute, where the body language form becomes key.   Most omnia are multilingual, speaking Common (False Dragontongue) and in many cases among older members of their kind, retaining great knowledge of now dead languages.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

In recent times, a movement among omnia circles has dictated that all territorial disputes be handled as they are in dragons in urban areas, having monitors and medical assistance on standby to prevent needless death, injury, and destruction. There must be at least one monitor who is a fellow omnia, and one who is not for fair judgement, who will stop the dispute when there is a clear winner. How disputes are handled are up to its participants, and since this self governing system was implemented, the rate of violence has decreased drastically, usually a territorial dispute being handled via argument.

Common Taboos

Unlike dragons, omnia do not perform funerary cannibalism. Although many of the eldest members of their race also lived through the War of Black Ash that made the practice common among dragonkin, the vast majority of them find the practice to be abhorrent among their own kind unless done purely for survival. This taboo does not extend to eating the corpses of dragons however, or prevent omnia from participating in draconic funerals however.   Attacking or killing one of their own kind unprompted is also a strict taboo that can often result in unrelated omnia ganging up together to mutually drive out offenders to take part in the practice or otherwise present themselves as a danger to themselves and their loved ones.


History of the Omnia is one full of war, strife, and hardship not for those of the keen of heart to study.   Their kind first came about in the human age, when the dragons awoke, and began to war with the humans. Many thousands were killed, and many thousands more captured and used as cannon fodder and slaves by the dragons. Curiously, a small percentage of the humans enslaved by the dragons fell ill over the years, many dying, but of the few of this already small amount lived, they became something new. The first omnia were created- No longer human, but not quite dragons. Taking on both the best and worst traits of their kind they had incredible prowess for magic and also high adaptability to the harshest of conditions, which the dragons took heavy advantage of.   The next four thousand years saw the omnia being used as soldiers by the dragons, who rarely fought their own battles at this point, and great mistreatment at their hands permanently left a distaste for the dragons in their minds. The War of Black Ash, an already harsh time in the world, became even more so when the omnia revolted against the dragons, killing them mercilessly, and then fighting amongst themselves due to limited resources and the power vacuum left behind.   In the modern era, omnia have largely seen a peaceful but tense history, largely fading into the background and seemingly by choice. Only until the outbreak of the War of the Moon did omnia begin en mass to make their presence known, not only protesting the current and past action of Neia Lun De Draco and Aien Sol De Draco, who historically were the worst offenders for their mistreatment, but the causes of many of the current day issues omnia face. Global demands for justice, legal recognition, and stances to be taken against the lunar and solar dragonflights have arisen as a result.

Common Myths and Legends

Many omnia believe that the Beast of Glasgow was in fact one of their kind who desperately wanted to be left alone.   A bit of a local phenomenon, the The Nottingham Cougar / Nottingham Lion Theory is all but proven to be the result of one omnia in particular, Sekhm McConnell, and his actions in the past when he worked as a mercenary.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Omnia's relationship with other races is convoluted and full of contradictions due to their troubled past, but one consistency has become a common saying in recent times: "An omnia's trust takes years to gain, but seconds to lose." They have a reputation of being skittish, standoffish, and extremely reserved even in areas that favor them and to those that know about them.  

Others' Perception of the Omnia

  Prior to the existence of their race being made public, the omnia largely existed in the public mind as little more than myth- boogeymen to dragons' and mortals' tales alike from times long since past, those who worked for the tyrannical flights to quash rebellions and keep their draconic overseers well fed and well supplied while others starved. Particularly in areas high in dragon population, this public image of the omnia still remains, with many deeming them inherently untrustworthy, dangerous, and loyal to no one. Since their kind has become public, however, the public consciousness has been changing, albeit slowly. Many organizations, including Nottingham's State Museum of Humanoid History, various sects of The Underground, and Omnia Advocacy groups have been working to bring to light the truths of their past- Their enslavement and persecution under the dragons, ejection from mortal society, and relentless persecution through tall tales and stereotypes.   Areas under divine control are much more kind to the Omnia, in large part due to the actions of individual gods, such as Ferventi publicly acknowledging the omnia Casina for her heroic efforts in trying to stop him and his use of the omnia's symbol of safety. Gods and their allies such as Soliairs Taeyang, Benjamen Stridde, Sekhmet, Goddess of Lions, Mą’ii, the Coyote God, and the Black Coyotes have been especially vocal in their support of them, with many working in tandem with the omnia's own advocacy groups.   The same cannot be said of areas under draconic control, however, especially those controlled by the Lunar and Solar flights in particular. Neia herself has pushed extreme propaganda throughout her territories, making previous negative perceptions of the omnia seem tame in comparison.  

The Omnia's Perception of Others

Unlike most other groups, the omnia do not have a central government, large cultural centers, or regions that as a collective to call home, and are extremely individualized in their beliefs, relations, and negotiations with other groups. What follows are large trends among their population, but must be taken with a grain of salt as it can highly vary from individual to individual.   Particularly with the various flights, the Omnia largely do not show much trust or leeway in forgiving crimes of the past, especially among older generations that have lived through the traumas inflicted by them. Most Undergrounds have declared outright war upon the Lunar Dragonflight and Solar Dragonflight since Neia's declaration calling for their extermination.   Relationships with the Blood Dragonflight and Lightning Dragonflight are signifgantly better, however, most omnia still regard both flights as tentative allies, with many prepared to just as quickly set them to trial for their own misdeeds once the Lunar and Solar flights are dealt with.   The Eclipsion Dragonflight, largely being made up of former lunars and solars, most omnia regard with extreme distrust, anger, and in many cases hostility. By and large, many omnia feel that many of the newly born flight seek forgiveness for past misdeeds and to escape consequences by cutting ties with their former brethren.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Partial Immortality
Conservation Status
Unknown, assumed to have a low population
Average Height
Varies, typically humanoid
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Omnia can have eye, skin, and hair colors found in any race. Many possess unnatural tints to their inner mouths or teeth, although this seems to be uncommon.

Articles under Omnia

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