Ioca Geographic Location in Teria | World Anvil
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Ioca lies on one of the hottest and wettest areas of all of Crysana. Even the driest parts of the grasslands has the tallest grass of any island. It is easiest to split Ioca into two sections on either side of the Raemao Casalana: Voluia and Panuia (the North and the South respectively).   The Etherian Homeland is among the smallest major islands, being far smaller than Aiuera or Vacsoma. It spans approximately 2200 maiels east to west and 2000 maiels north to south.



Starting at the westernmost peninsula, the Raemao Sogra lazily roll from one end of the peninsula to another. The rains bless this part of Ioca the least, but still more than any desert. Grass grows on its calm slopes, spreading down to the Corumo Savene along with towering groves of trees sprinkled throughout. The Hituelo Iamel flows from tributaries originating in the bases of the Sogra and Casalana, ending off a northern edge of the island. The trees thicken past the Casalana, forming the Manelo Loriena, fueled mainly by the Hituelo Porytas and other rivers and lakes both great and small.  


Being that Panuia is only a peninsula half the size of Voluia, there is not nearly as much to describe. It houses the dense Manelo Aeturnsa, fueled by the winding Hituelo Sacas and Hituelo Mandae. The jungle fades into the massive bamboo stalks and grass forests of the Corumo Rinaela, where the Etherian race began.

Fauna & Flora

The tropical nature of Ioca lends much to the great amount and diversity of its life.  


The Loriena is often called the Daemo Bolaea (or Land of Giants) for good reason. Not only are the trees taller than any other kind known--being a hundred men tall and having canopies that can shadow a thousand men--but the beasts there are similarly large. There are cats called gaguiers the height of men that climb trees. There are giant lizards called crocodiels that swim in the rivers and lakes and eat any creatures that stray too close. There are hulking apes called orynutans that can tear a man in two. These are only a few of the many, many creatures within the jungle, far too numerous to list here.   The Savene's grasses are short compared to the Rinaela's, but are still the height of a horse. There live a huge variety of animals sifting through the grasses, including elefants, girafs, antelops, lions, hipos, and baboons.   The two mountain ranges are quite different. The Sogra, being shorter than their cousins, have more life, with grasses and careful animals living near the peaks. The Casalana, however, have far fewer creatures. Only the bravest goats and rodents venture up there to feed on the short, tough plants. White mountain lions follow close behind.  


Being that the Rinaela is where Etheria began, that is most familiar to us. Bambo rules the north, giving way to thinner, but still tall, grasses. Most creatures here--like horses, boars, lions, and monkeys--can be found in other places in Crysana, but there are a few that are unique to these grasses. Long-snouted mammals known as ymiels eat ants and termites with their lengthy tongues. Black and white bears named paendals live amongst the bambo, feeding on the stalks. Mammals called armadails with scaly plates on their backs curl into balls to protect themselves. There are more, less noteworthy creatures, that will not be discussed further here.   There is not too much to be said about the life of the Aeturnsa except that they are generally a smaller version of those in the Loriena. Monkeys, predatory cats, snakes, colorful birds, and many other animals fill the jungle to its brim.

Natural Resources

The most abundant resources are lumber and food, whether it be elephant or boar meat, or wheat or fruit. Other resources, such as precious metals, stone, or slaves, are less common here, lending much to the need for expansion.
Alternative Name(s)
Etherian Homeland
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Owning Organization

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