Farms near Raven's Rock Keep in Tergaith: Hobby Central D&D World! | World Anvil

Farms near Raven's Rock Keep

Raven's Rock Keep is primarily a military encampment. Though it has its own access to the water supply and supports limited food production in the margins of the upper bailey, it can't begin to support its population of over a hundred people without successful farming. Though relatively large in square footage, these are low-technology, low-yield farms at the mercy of weather and dependent on Keep militia for protection from raiders. The main farms of note nearby:   Deakins Dry Grains The Deakins farm produces the majority of local wheat, millet, corn and amaranth grain. It benefits from a broad expanse of fertile silt soil south of the Keep along the bends of the Griffon River, and is mostly left alone by the lizardfolk who wont eat grain, and is too far west for the raiders from the Caves of Chaos to effectively plunder. They raise rabbits and have a small herd of wool sheep as well to supplement their income year-round. The Deakins farm was the beneficiary of a herd of Peccary hogs that had been set up in the caves of chaos as a food and blood source for the bat-creatures. These are a small and wild though generally non-aggressive breed that needs a wide area to range in but which stays in that territory without seasonally migrating. They prefer roots, husks, cornmeal and small meats (rats, rabbits, crawdads) over wet slops or grain feed, but are perfectly content to forage for their own, and produce a savory pork meat of superior flavor to other more domesticated varieties.   Halver Heifers Dairy Farm The Halver dairy farm hosts 43 cows and produces a steady supply of fresh milk, butter, cheese and other dairy products. They consume a large amount of cracked grain as feed for the cows. The farm is situated on the north fork of the High Trade Road , practically in the shadow of the Keep, usually safe from depredation by raiders.   Lamburtus Livestock The Lamburtus family runs a large multi-barn livestock collective on 40 acres of land to the west of the keep with more than a dozen buildings on site, connected to the High Trade Road by a long access path. Lamburtus primarily raises hogs and beef cattle with a large chicken coop, goats, ducks, and even a fish pen with delicious gravel cat catfish. Zeffirelli spent several years working on the collective, contributing to his subversive ideologies. While they trade readily with the keep, they are hostile to outsiders, well armed, and the perimeter is booby trapped against raiders.   Vustrech Vegetable Farm Vustrech is a small family farm growing a wide variety of high-caloric non-grain crops including potatoes, dry beans, squash, beets, and tuber yams. They also raise goats, sheep and alpaca for milk and textiles.


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