Elskett Species in Terebim | World Anvil
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/* TODO : Rewrite all ! Elsketts : means "Loved one" in Elskett's language. The term comes from the belief that they are sparks of love created by the friction between Selam and Piya. Humans call them "Fae", witch means "Strange, deceiptful and evil". Elsketts consider the term "Fae" as extremely offensive.   Goblins calls thems Moots in their language, because they're like tiny Mootah, and Elsketts thinks it's the most adorable thing in the world.   Four arms, a tail, horns, scales on certain places, highly magical creatures. Have clans and lives in an archipelago on North. Used to ice and snow, great navigators. Have maps based on magic currents */

Be wary of strangers, my child, they might be a Fay in disguise. They will kill you then eat your bones !
  A species only seen in legends. They are said to be humanoid and extremely dangerous. They have horns and fangs, dark red skin with patches of scales and a large tail.
According to fairytales, they have a lot of charisma despite their inhumane features. They can easily hide behind glamours and they use it to gain the trust of humans. They eat babies and small childrens, seduce men and women alike with their magic, and they won't hesitate to destroy entire villages if they are discovered.
They are dangerous foe and should never be attacked alone. They can use unholy magic, casting powerfull spell without even moving a finger.
People of Terebim have countless fairytales about them. they all have those traits in common, along with their birth place : Hornsegl. It is a well known fact that Fay come from the Edge of the World, behind the Rampart of Torsgard. If a Fay arrives in a village, it can only mean that they managed to get through the constant vigilance of the soldiers of Torsgard.   Those creatures terrorise every citizen of Terebim. Thank gods they're only fairytales characters.  
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Of course they're not just fairytale monsters. They have lived for thousands of years. They haven't been seen by any human since the end of the war. Humans won by sheer outnumber. Fay reproductive system is not very efficient.

Basic Information


Humanoid with a large tail and a pair of horns, huge claws and fangs, pointy ears. They vary a lot in shape and size, from 50cm to 2.5m in height, from chubby to slander to muscular in body type. They don't have apparent sexual markers. They have a huge concentration of magical minerals in their skull, ribcage and spine. Those minerals naturally cristallize inside their skull, at the base of their horns.

Genetics and Reproduction

Fay are hermaphrodites oviparian. they act as male for most of their lives. Every five years, they stop being fertile as male and start the creation of an egg. The egg can be fertilized for a month. It then keep on growing for 3 month before the Fay lay it. it doesn't need to be incubated and it hatches after 8 months.
Fay's scale colour changes depending on their sexual phase. They are mostly dark red and black when a Fay is "male", but when a Fay has a fecundable egg, they enter in a kind of heat state and their scales get bright colors with complex patterns. Each individual has its own pattern, like a finger print. Other Fay will be more or less attracted by those colors depending on their genetic compatibility. Some will see it as uninteresting, even ugly, others will see it as extremely lewd and mesmerizing.

Growth Rate & Stages

Fay lives approximately 250 years.
They can walk and see a few hours after hatching, though not very well. They keep growing up until they reach adult size at around 50.
Their puberty hits at around 15, though only as male at first. The first egg is usually layed between 18 and 20.
Fays are fertile for almost 100 years, allowing them to lay approximately 20 eggs in their lifetime.

Ecology and Habitats

Fay can theoretically live in any environment, but they are very dependant on magic winds. They consume magic like a lizard consume heat : without it, they grow tired and might enter a cathartic state.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Fay are omnivorous, the only unusual dietary need they have is to eat magical minerals. Though they can find it in small quantities in some plants and meat, the best for them is to eat bones or raw crystals. They have powerfull grinder teeth at the back of their mouth to do that.
Bones of animals suffering Crystalite is a delicacy in Fay society.

Biological Cycle

Fay live best when magical energy is high, and that means the second half of winter through the middle of summer. As animals tend to die during the cold of winter, their energy is released an amplify the streams of magic. It's then consummed by all the birth in spring so it get lower and lower until the end of summer. At this point, it reaches its lower point and the Fay get really low on energy.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Very good earing, not so good eyesight. Their horns allows them to "see" the magic. They can feel the aura of people, the motion of magic winds, the presence or absence of living being around.
They can see Black Blood if they focus a lot. They feel Black Bones from miles away : they look like a patch of void.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Fays are so physically diverse that they have no standard of beauty. Each one has its preferences and no one would even think about discussing it.

Gender Ideals

Fay don't have a word for "Gender"

Courtship Ideals

Get it on with whoever is down to it or, if you're in heat, flash your scales and see who's interested.

Relationship Ideals

Fays usually live either in polyamory or in free relation.
Basically, Fays tend to form groups of 2 to 6 or 7 Fays, sometimes more, all tied by affection and love. Those groups have sexual relations between them regularly, and most of the time they are open to "visitors" who come for night, a week, a month. A Fay is either part of a group, or goes from group to group freely. Some find other Fays they're confortable with and never change, some rather change all the time and meet new Fays. As long as everyone is happy, it doesn't really matter to them.
Exception is made when a Fay is in heat. When it happens, they welcome everyone interested by their scale patterns. The child is then raised by a group. When it's the child of a Fay belonging to a group, they take care of it. When it's a free Fay, the child is often adopted by a group.
Children are rare. They are precious and are always taken care of. If the parent doesn't want to, or cannot, take care of it, there is always a group to volunteer.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They used to see humans kinda like humans see racoons. Kinda smart in a primal way, but with no understanding of basic things such as respect, property or hygiene. Also usually very aggresive and/or rabid. And they breed too fast, like vermin.
To approach with caution. And a long stick.
Scientific Name
Deamonicus Sapiens
250 years
Average Height
between 0.5m and 2.5m
Average Weight
between 30kg and 200kg
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dark red and black mostly. Few individuals are born with other colors, but it's always dark. Dark purple is extremely rare.

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