Major language groups and dialects
The inhabitants of Valinyd spoke of many dialects of a language also called Valinyd. Due to the proximity to Diakas, more than a few used a spattering of their tongue. Under Venian rule, the upper classes began to speak Venian as a sign of prestige.
Culture and cultural heritage
With their kingdom located on the southern shores of the Insular Sea and being the northernmost Fahris kingdom, the crossroads of both created a unique culture. Wheat, barley, grapes, and olives were staples in their diet because of the region’s climate. The Valinyd were influenced by humans, first the Diakai and then the Venians. Fahris kingdoms south of them were more powerful influences, however. The Valinyd were seen as unusual by their fellow Fahris because of their heavy interaction with humans. They also interbred the most with humans, producing hybrids with them. At times, the other Fahris even looked down on them for being barbarians due to their strange culture.
Common Etiquette rules
Greetings in Valinyd were relatively simple, involving variations of shaking hands. Social equals clasped each other’s hands and shook firmly. When greeting a social superior, one never touched their hands. Elderly people had their hands held in two hands by the younger person. People of higher classes always initiated conversations with an acknowledging nod, and lower-class people never said a word unless spoken to first.
Art & Architecture
Geography in the Valinyd homeland influenced every aspect of their culture, including architecture. Some buildings, for example, combined the sloping walls from the Fahris further south and the straight and orderly columns for the Diakai to the north and east. Valinyd exports were highly prized lands adjacent to both the Insular and Southern Seas. Purple dye - used to color the clothes of royalty - was highly prized. The Valinyd were also known as the original producers of the so-called Fahris quill. Elaborate pottery was also exported.
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