The Agnomain Organization in Telluria | World Anvil

The Agnomain

The Agnomain (/'æɡ no ,mān/ Jarmenic: Teutischland ['tɔɪ tɪʃ ,lʌnt]), officially the Polity of the Agnomain (Jarmenic: Staatswesen Teutischland), is a Jarmenic country located in central Heremonia. It stretches east from the Salizean Sea across the Midcontinental Plains between the Weißenspitzen and the Kohlenhügel ranges, bordering on Salizach, Hunradia, and Lesteunia to the north, Érevon, Bréifne and the Palatine Duchies to the east, Keilehair, Gog Chassan, Hugainey and Indershotten to the south and Egenauer and the Salizean Sea to the west.

With a land area of 4,945,018 sq. wmi. the Agnomain is the largest country in the world, and its current estimated population of 250,802,328 (1985 est.) makes it the most populous country in Heremonia. The capital of the Agnomain is Waldestadt (1980 pop. 1,334,788). Its largest city and financial center is Egenbrük (1980 pop. 5,557,500), capital of Ostpreussen. Other major cities include Bärenheim, Arnszach, Nordenmünster, and Stahlgießen.

Various Jarmenic tribes have occupied the Midcontinental Plains since the Savage Age, when they displaced the Agonami, from whom the region derives its name. Beginning in the 10th century, Jarmenic territories formed a major part of the Salizean Empire. The fall of the Salizean Empire in the 14th century resulted in the emergence of dozens of petty kingdoms and feudal holdings across the region.

The 17th century ushered in a long period of social change and political unification, beginning with the "Staatenbünd" of Jarmenia, Ostpreussen and Vestfalen. By the mid-19th century the renamed "Agnomain Bünd" had united all the Jarmenic territories south of the Weißenspitzen into a loose economic confederation. The Agnomain officially became a nation in 1891 when the member states of the Bünd formally unified as the Polity of the Agnomain with King Günther II of Jarmenia assuming the title of Oberkönig (Archking) as monarch of the new state.

The Agnomain is a Federal Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy consisting of 23 Flächenländer, and the Federal Capital District (Bundeshauptstadtbezirk) of Waldestadt. The Oberkönig is Günter II (King Günter III of Jarmenia), who has ruled since 1922, making him the longest-serving current head of state. The Flächenländer each have their own governments, and retain a certain level of their historical autonomy.

The Agnomain is an Industrialized Great Power, accounting for approximately one-fifth of global gross domestic product, with the largest single-nation economy in the world by GDP. It is the world's largest importer and second largest exporter by value, and is a global leader in several industrial and technological sectors. As a highly developed country with a very high standard of living, the Agnomain offers its people sophisticated social security and universal healthcare systems, and tuition-free university education.

The Agnomain is signatory to the Eichebourg Conventions of 1873 and the Roosenveen Conventions of 1888 and 1896, and is a founding member of the League of Sovereign States and a permanent member of the Security Council. It is also a signatory state of the Tellurian Trade Treaty, the International Dispute Resolution Protocol, the General Accord on the Treatment of Prisoners and the Uniform Monetary Agreement.


The name "Agnomain" derives from the Kiltic words agnóisí and naimhdeas, meaning "hostile non-believers," used to describe the primitive tribes who occupied the lands west of the Bith River. Even after the influx of the Jarmenic peoples from the north displaced the Agonami, the land retained its ancient name. The Jarmenic name Teutischland, originally tiutiscu lans ("the People's Lands"), is derived from teutisch, descended from Proto-Jarmenic tiutisc "of the people," possibly originating from Shino-Carmanic tewteh "people."


The concept of the Agnomain as a distinct identifiable region can be traced to Ceannaire Míleata, founder of the Milesian Empire, who referred to the peoples who lived west of the Bith River as the Agnói Naimhdeas.


Ancient humans were present on the Midcontinental Plains at least 400,000 years ago. Human fossils believed to be ancestors of the Fear Bolg have been discovered throughout the Pflegen River valley and in the foothills of the Kohlenhügel Mountains. Early human remains and a complete set of hunting weapons discovered in 1907 near the Pawg River in Pommernia are presumed to be 350,000 to 380,000 years old. Similarly dated evidence of Fear Bolg habitation has also been excavated from a coal mine in Schöningburg, Grünegau.

A 47,000 year old flute, believed to be the oldest musical instrument ever found, was discovered in a cave on the side of Mount Dornau in 1948. By the Late Bronze Age, the "Agonami" were firmly established in the region.


The origin and early development of the Jarmenic Tribes is open to conjecture and debate. It is well documented, however, that their invasion of the midland plains through the northwestern passes of the Weißenspitzen coincided with the decline and eventual fall of the Milesian Empire.

In time, they displaced the Agonami and pushed the Kiltoi back to the Bith River, establishing a new homeland. But their loose tribal structure resulted in a chaotic and conflict-filled existence through the Savage Age. And it eventually proved to be no match for the rising Salizean power in the west.

To be continued...

Polity of the Agnomain

Staatswesen Teutischland (Jarmenic)


National Flag of the Agnomain

National Motto:
“We are united”
Wir sind vereint

National Anthem:
“Good God be with the Agnomain”
Guter Gott sei mit Teutischland


Largest City:

Official Languages:
Jarmenic (Teutisch)

Ethnic Groups:
Jarmenic (Teutisch)

Major Religions:
E.R. Sanctist

Federal Parliamentary
Constitutional Monarchy

- Monarch:
Günther III
- Chancellor:
Paul Josef Wruck

Federal Legislature:

- President:
Willy Jost

4,945,018 sq. wmi.

250,802,328 (1980 census)

- Gemeinwesensverfassung:
18 Erzmonat 1891

- Modern (aft. 1948):
Simoleon (§)
- Previous: (1891 - 1948)
Reichsmark (Mk)
National Flag of the Agnomain


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