Nemed Organization in Telluria | World Anvil


(/'nem ed/ Nemidic: αλΖανυβ [,ʌl dʒə 'nüb], riadicized alJanub), officially The Sublime Nemedian State (Nemidic: αλΔωλατ Ναμιδιγατ αλΣα’αμιγα, riadicized: alDawlat Namidiyat alSa'amia) is a country in the Jeneb region of southern Heberia, encompassing territory from the Torrean Sea in the west to the Cerulean Sea in the east, and from the Haas an’Shahin Mountains in the north to the Nemedian Sea, which takes its name from the country, in the south. It shares land borders with Carman and Padria to the north, Farsaidh and Jubalcain to the east, Mammoulian, Mahalalel and Fenios to the south, and Betenos to the west. The border between Nemed and Mammoulian has been disputed since 1915, and persists as the sole remaining unresolved issue of the Great Intercontinental War (1908 - 1915).

With a land area of 3,158,965 sq. wmi.,1 Nemed is the largest country in the Jeneb, the second-largest in Heberia, and the sixth-largest in the world. It is divided into 13 provinces, called Wilayat (Ωιλαγατ), which roughly coincide with the ancient kingdoms from which the first Nemedian sultanate was created. About two-thirds of Nemed's teritory consists of sparsely inhabited desert, steppe and mountains, concentrating its population on narrow coastal plains and along its rivers. Nevertheless, Nemed is the third most populous country in the world, with an estimated current population of 446,689,140.

Pursuant to longstanding Nemedian tradition and law, the official capital of Nemed is the location of the Sultan, wherever he might be. However, since the mid-tenth century the seat of administrative power has been the royal palace complex, known as the Dar alSultan (Δαρ αλΣυλταν), within the ancient Kasbah in Adatenesis, which serves as the de facto national capital. The country's largest city and financial center is Túrbán, located in western Al-Khutat province on the Torrean coast of the plains of alRuea. Nemed is also home to the three sacred cities of the Mahbubist faith - al’Maqhra, Khouds and Chaam. Other major cities include Almina al’Watif, Madekh alBahr, Taqat alWaha and Yador.

In the West, the nation state of Nemed is often mistakenly conflated with the Nemedid Caliphate, due to widespread misunderstanding of the subtle distinctions between the two. This has led to the name “Caliphate of Nemed” appearing on many western political maps over the centuries, when they more correctly should have referred to the “Nemedian State,” or simply “Nemed.” Even now with better understanding, the term “Caliphate” is frequently used metanymically to refer to the government of Nemed or the Nemedian Royal Family.

Inhabited since the Upper Paleolithic period, Nemed has one of the longest histories of any country in the world. Pre-Tariq Janubia, the territory that roughly coincides with the heartland of present-day Nemed, was one of the world's earliest permanently settled regions, and home to several ancient cultures stretching back over six millennia to the dawn of human civilization. The Neolithic sites at Talat Wiea'an and Sabariyah are among the most important archeological excavations in the world.

Nemed was founded by Sheikh Nemeth ibn Sru al Hawa’li (Nemeth I, c. 414 – 486), Rahis alHarb (War Chief) of the Hawa’lim tribe and ruler of a small sheikhdom in the Emirate of Al-Khutat, a border region between the ancient Carman Empire to the northeast and the Bada’win Janubi to the southeast. From a small base centered around the city of al’Maqhra, Nemeth declared his independence from the Emir of Al-Khutat around 450 CA, thereby founding the polity that would expand over the following centuries to become the Nemedian Empire.

The country is ruled by the world's second-longest surviving dynastic house,2 which traces its origin by a direct unbroken line of male succession to Nemeth I. The reigning Sultan is Haluq IV, who assumed the Ivory Throne in 1963, continuing the hard-line nationalist policies of his father, Umut VIII. His current Grand Vizier is Mu'tamid Fuad Pasha, who has loyally served the Sultan since 1979.

Nemed is a developed country with a strong market economy, ranked sixth in the world by GDP and seventh by PPP. Nemed controls the largest proven fossil fuel reserves in the world, and has emerged as the global leader in both oil and natural gas production. The world's two largest petroleum export terminals are located at the ports of Madekh alBahr in the west and Min alGhorub in the east, respectively.

Despite its capitulation to the Western Alliance in 1915, Nemed has remained a great power on the world stage, exerting substantial international political and cultural influence as a member of several major international organizations. Nemed has been a member of the Council of Nations since 1922 and an alternating permanent member of the World Security Council since 1925. Nemed is also a signatory state of the Tellurian Trade Treaty and the International Dispute Resolution Protocol.

Nemedian architecture, art, cuisine, and music are well known throughout the world. In recent years, Nemedian culture has become increasingly popular in the west, leading to a notable increase in western tourism throughout many parts of the country.

To be continued...
1 An additional 80,495 sq. wmi. is currently disputed with the Emirate of Mammoulian.
2 Only the royal House of Uí Máine can claim an older pedigree.

The Sublime Nemedian State

αλΔωλατ Ναμιδιγατ αλΣα’αμιγα (Nemidic)


Nemed National Flag.jpg

National Flag
Imperial Coat of Arms

National Motto:

“The Eternal State”
(Nemidic: Αλχαλατ αλ'Αβαδια)
(riadicized: Alhalat al'Abadia)

"Honor of the Sultan"
(Nemidic: Ϲαραϕ αλΣυλταν)
(riadicized: Sharaf alSultan)

(Nemidic: αδ’Ατενισι)
(riadicised: ad'Atenisi)
Largest City:
(Nemidic: Βυρζ’αβιδ)
(riadicised: Burj’abid)

Official Language:

Official Script:

Ethnic Groups:

Eastern Rite Sanctism


Unitary Caliphic Absolute Monarchy

- Sultan & Caliph:
Haluq IV
- Grand Vizier:
Mu'tamid Fuad Pasha

Royal Advisory Council:
Ματλισ Χασυν
(riadicised: Matlis Khasun)

3,239,460 wmi2
(80,495 wmi2 disputed with Mammoulian)

- 1985 estimate:
- 1981 census:
- Density:

Image Credits:
1. By the author
2. Public Domain, edited by the author


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