Magic and its usage in Telek'Mil | World Anvil
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Magic and its usage

An introduction into the vast possibilities of magic

Upon starting to study the arcane arts, students have to choosetheir first, basic, novice spell. During their studies they will learn how to perform this spell and even modify it to their personal taste.   After they have gained sufficient knowledge and passed the test by impressing their tutors, they are allowed to learn another spell to progress into the next stage. As an apprentice in the arcane arts, they will once again learn modify their new spell, but also to combine them with their old one and using their novice spell to create more powerful results.   As the student makes their way through their next graduation they are given their adept level spell and once again their are studying the spells they have access to, to their fullest, as do they with their master spell.   A master level spell is the apex of the arcane incantations, at least in the academical sense. Most students won't go this far as these magics require a long time to fully control. Having learned and successfully conquered such a powerful spell shows great dedication to ones studies and qualifies the practicing arcanist to teach others to his fullest capabilites.     The fundamentals of spells   The casting of a spell requires the expense of Mana, wich is Ether bound to the form of an arcane caster by a subconcious ritual. This requires the mage to at least sleep 6 hours before their magical reserves are fully restored.   A spell is made functional by the caster expending mana to influence the Ether around him with the one they has bound to themselves. The caster plucks at the weave, or the strings, that are the Ether and manipulates what is and what is not. As the casting comes to completion the Mana is set free and cannot be regained easily.     Casting   While it often seems that casters summon forth the spells they are casting on the fly, any caster has to prepare their spells in a one hour ritual at the beginning of their day, as spells are far more complex, and cannot be cast without preperation. So at the morning a caster practically pre-casts a spell and finally releases the spell with a final, quick component, wich in most cases has to be somatic and verbal to take effect.   And how do i see, if someone is casting magic? In most cases, the voice of the caster seems to have a short, reversed echo, when they speak the command word of the spell and the gestures are also rather noticable.   It is to note, though that with extensive practice, arcanists and pretty much every caster is able to silently cast a spell with the drawback of a more inefficient casting.     Natural abilities   Some creatures, however are able to use magic to their benefit without having studied the arcane arts. This allows these creatures to perform rudimentary acts of magic. These specimend, however also seem to be immune to Faustian burns.

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