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The Land of Teddasa surrounds the conflict between the Conter and the Teddies. Many years ago, the Conter mysteriously appeared and fought the Teddies in a massive Battle. The Conter were all counterparts to the already existing Teddies, existing as their evil Doppelgangers.   After the God Fuzzy, Toni the Tiger, and Liony managed to defeat the Conter leader Unfuzzy, the Conter soldiers were bound to the Souls of their Teddy counterparts. However, recent conflict has ensued when the Conter soldiers have escaped, and their leader Unfuzzy has made a terrifying return.   In a world governed by conflicting magical systems and a massive Conter army enslaving the human population of the world, the Teddies must stand up to the plate and work to defeat this growing enemy.

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