The tri alliance Organization in Tec | World Anvil
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The tri alliance

There are three main countries in the world of Tec Forst, Ascalla and Kryst. The tri alliance is the term used to refer to the complex relationships between said countries. The alliance is led by the current Kings of Forst and Kryst and the Ascallan military with a couple immortal advisors from each location. For the most part the nations are friendly and have mutually beneficial arrangements. Asscalla is a place full of technology run by the military who are constantly at war with monsters who invade their borders. They buy most of their food and supplies from Forst but are a little bitter that they don't have more direct help from them. They receive some more direct aid from people of Kryst though their abilities are less potent out of their country and a lot of the more dangerous weapons involve some Krystian magic. Ascallans in general view Krystians as a little cowardly but they play an important role so they put up with them. Ascalla in general is full of people who are brought up to be superior and this reflects how they view their fellow allies. Forst is a place interconnected to nature and spirits. they are probably the safest land out of the three and while there are dangerous creatures in there they follow specific rules that make them easier to deal with. Originally Forst tried to receive technology from Ascalla but after a series of bad luck they stopped trying to do that and instead traded raw materials for products like clothes and simpler tools. Forst is highly superstitious and believes that the Ascallans are cursed and in general want to have as little involvement with them as possible while not compromising their morals or practicality. Forsters views Kryst on the other hand as a land full of promise and adventure and the most travel happens between those two nations. Forst has a lot of people studying Krystian magic and their unique flora and fauna. Kryst is a land imbued with it's form of magic. Kryst receives weapons and technology form Ascalla though the things received from they're are few in number and can only be afforded by the wealthier members of Kryst's society. Kryst views Ascalla with a certain amount of fascination their lives are so different that its hard for them to wrap their minds around it. Kryst and Forst don't have a real exchange of goods but they are very close in intellectual matters. The alliance has almost always been around and while the actual things exchanged have differed their has never actually been any wars as each nation is tied heavily with their own magic and are unwilling to give that up. There has been a few times where their has been a threat big enough to affect multiple nations and when this happens they have come together more led primarily by the person who's nation was the origin of the problem. Non leader members of the alliance included an Ascallan dragon some Fairy representatives and once or twice People from Rose's thorns.
Alliance, Generic

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