Tone Kazuhiro Character in Taru(Tah-Rue) | World Anvil
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Tone Kazuhiro (Toe-Neigh Kah-Zoo-He-Roe)

The Palm Tone Kazuhiro

A greyish skin orc stands at the bar. He laughs and jokes with the short goblin owner, Good Prices. His left ear is gone, leaving only a hole to capture as little sound as it can. To his side stands a cheetah tabaxi who has his arm slung around the orcs shoulder. The orcs tusk glimmer with the fresh mead he chugs down. He subtly places 3 gold coins on the table, and without losing their joyous smiles, the three suddenly grow quieter, and lean inwards. No one could hope to surmise what was said, but the jubilation didn't end, even as the tabaxi and orc skipped and hopped out the door soon after.

Physical Description

Physical quirks

He's missing his left ear.

Special abilities

Tone was blessed with the boons of Izpyltia that were passed down from his mentor, Shade-Paw. From this, he received three boons.

The first of these gifts was "Izpyltia's Shadow". This boon blessed Tone with an unnatural ability to blend into the shadows, becoming one with them. Even those who look directly upon him suddenly lose sight of him within the vague shadows.

The second boon he received was "The Tongue of Snakes". This blessing gave Tone the uncanny ability to deceive even the most insightful of sages. Using this blessing, he has been able to deceive guards into letting him into places he should not gain access to. The only caveat to this ability is that if the lie is entirely non-sensical, he cannot convince people.

The last of these gifts is what allows any who hold the title of The Palm to manage the guild. The boon is known as "The Eyes of God". This gift allows Tone to know where The Crushed Fingers are at all times, even being able to bypass low level spells that would obscure someone's location. As well, if one of the members is on another plane of existence, he not only knows it, but is aware of which plane they're on, as long as he is familiar with the planes existence.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The de facto leader of The Crushed Hand, Tone has not revealed his face, nor any aspect of his body to the group. His skin color, race, eye color, and even hair color are all unknown to the group. As well, they scarcely hear him speak either, which is the only reason they even know his gender. Whether this is to keep himself safe, or simply because he doesn’t trust them is unknown to them (In reality, it's so he can go where he wants without covering himself at all, and not worry about being recognized). Additionally, the guild doesn’t know his name either, simply referring to him as “The Palm”.   Most of the guild has transpired at some point or another to learn about Tone, but they’re all unsuccessful as he is gifted by their lady, Izpyltia. This boon is that of incredible levels of stealth, even more so than some of the other members are gifted with. Additionally, Tone possesses a boon of deception, which allows his lies to go undetected by most.

In reality, Tone is the grandchild of orc immigrants who came from their Brotarian homeland after the doom of Xatrax. Growing up and being adept at hunting and skulking through the woods, he soon realized that his family wouldn’t escape the squalor of The Wallows on game meat and animal hides. Realizing how he could use his natural predator instincts to get his family money, he began stealing from vendors, then shops, then military, and finally nobles. His skills continued to grow, and his families lives became easier, but attention began to arise as the poor hunting family suddenly had a new source of income.

After a few months of thievery, Tone was caught, but not by a noble, shop owner, or even guards. Instead he was caught by a craftier burglar, Shade-Paw, of the LightWalker Clan, the current Palm of The Crushed Hand. Their meeting was not hostile, and in fact, Shade-Paw was impressed by Tone, since he had been hunting him since he began his endeavors, but was left empty handed each time. Until now, anyways.   Taking Tone under his wing, Shade-Paw taught him all that he knew. And after years of training an Tutelage, Shade-Paw passed the boons of their lady, Izpyltia, down to Tone. After giving him the title of The Palm, Shade-Paw embarked back home to the Furborne Savannah, and occasionally comes back to visit

Accomplishments & Achievements

Over the years, Tone has stolen many things from the Hailsoshian people, from just about everybody. But his crowning accomplishment happened during one of his handful of break-ins into the Emerald Palace. Waiting until he knew the Rázdretori would be performing their final trial to break in and reach one of the two diarchy, Tone took the opportunity to sneak in with them. Sneaking into the queen, Hisoka's room before the warriors had made their ways inside, Tone looked over the valuables that she possessed and decided to take the pendant of Tremisk that she wore everywhere. 
The pendant burned his hand viciously, but he held his tongue in spite of the pain. Setting it down quickly, he wrapped it in cloth, and stowed it away, disappearing into the night.

Failures & Embarrassments

In his time in The Crushed hand, Tone has known 2 holders of each title within the guild, except The Pinky. In the time he's known the guild, there was one Pinky who worked with his mentor named Kibe Kaoru. Kibe trained a human woman under him named Yasui Homi. Meeting when they were both underlings, tone found an affinity for Yasui, and they soon became enraptured in one another. Both Kibe and Shade-Paw were alright with the relationship, but cautioned that they be private about it. The two lovers agreed, but quickly forgot their agreement, becoming near inseparable, even in the public eye. 
After being intertwined around each other, other criminals in the Hailsoshian underworld began realizing that Yasui has been asking too many questions. One day, after being apart, Tone went to their meetup spot in The Bright Pathways, Yasui didn't show. Scouring the city for her for days, Tone almost lost hope, but finally he found a lead when he heard members of the starved dog mentioning a young human who was trying to find out too much. Prying information out of the two after a scuffle, Tone was disgusted to learn that Yasui now rested in a shallow grave in The Borris Home Forest.
Killing the two Starved Dogs, Tone isolated himself for months, unable to accept that he could not save his love.

Mental Trauma

Another reason that Tone conceals his identity to the guild is because of the former holder of The Middle Fingers title, Tanto Hizalo. When he first began training under Shade-Paw, Tanto wasn't a fan of Tone, and she quickly began digging up dirt on him, and quickly found his family within the city. One day, Tone's father was injured at work, building a nobles home, when blocks suddenly fell on him, crushing one of his legs. He had to have it amputated, and was made unable to work after that.
Investigating the incident, Tone found that the ropes keeping the blocks together had been cut by someone. Being confronted by Tanto, she threatened to do far worse if he continued training under Shade-Paw. Bringing this information to his mentor, Tone was told that they could not punish Tanto, since she didn't attack another member of the guild member, or their family.
Enraged by the guilds impotence, Tone hunted Tanto down for months until she was finally vulnerable. In a dark alley of The Queens Embrace Tone ambushed her, but it didn't come without its price. During the ensuing fight, Hanto managed to sever one of Tones ears. 
After slaying Hanto, Tone never went around the guild without covering himself, and threatened to do the same to the other members who'd seen his face if they ever told anyone anything about him. The only one spared his anger was Shade-Paw, who treated his wound after the battle.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

In his personal time, Tone enjoys listening to people's issues. This isn't necessarily to even use against anybody. He just simply enjoys the pleasure of feeling as if he has friends, or companions, without showing too much of himself in return. 

On the inverse, however, Tone doesn't enjoy hearing entitled whining. If someone begins to complain about things that went justly, or things that someone believes they're entitled to, Tone's liable to either walk away, or flagrantly insult the other person.

Virtues & Personality perks

While Tone is usually reserved to himself, or sometimes cold, he has a softer side as well. Coming from the poor background he does, he'll occasionally target a family that lives in the tents near The Wallows edge. He won't harm them, or steal from them though. Instead, he'll occasionally bring them gold, food, or clothes. He never reveals himself to the family, however, preferring to remain distant from them.

Vices & Personality flaws

Being emotionally alone, Tone finds vices in the more promiscuous women of Hailsoshia. He doesn't pursue a relationship, choosing to fill the void with lust instead.


Contacts & Relations

Tone has made his presence known to the underworld of Hailsoshia, but only as The Palm. As well as The Crushed Fingers, The Palm also works closely with Kheal-Hed, Bart, and even Lilami. He only speaks with Lilami in person, talking to the others through notes and letters he leaves for them.
The only reason that Tone meets with Lilami in person is because she has earned his respect. He isn't familiar with how she did it, but she tracked him down, and is one of the few people who knows who he is in reality. So he repays this respect by doing business with her in person.

Family Ties

Tone has a family of 5, counting himself. His parents, an older and younger brother. He had a younger sister as well, but she fell ill to "The Flame Cough".

Religious Views

Being a Dibolien, Tone worships the shade lady, Izpyltia. Offering up many valuables he steals, he goes to the woods and gives small trinkets and treasure to the animals, such as raccoons, squirrels and finches. Being at peace around the loved animals of Izpyltia, Tone also venerates the beasts he hunts, treating the game he takes down with immense respect.

Social Aptitude

In his personal life, Tone is rather charismatic for an orc. He is on good terms with many of the shop owners, and those who treat him, and other poor folk kindly, are avoided by The Palm.
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
serving as The Palm of The Crushed Hand
Current Location
Date of Birth
1st of Lunodum, 139 AH
Circumstances of Birth
He was born among the favored animals of Izpyltia, though his parents didn't realize it
In the woods near Hailsoshia
Current Residence
Living in The Wallows of Hailsoshia
Medium length thick, clean, black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Jade skin
195 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Reveal me, and the palm will truly be the last thing your eyes behold"-said to the former Crushed Fingers.

"The Coin Rings"-used when referring to someone passing by who's a prime target to steal from
Dibolien, a follower of Izpyltia
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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