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Trallen's Pencil of Life

A normal-looking pencil by anyone's standards, it is about 6 inches long, light brown, with a self-sharpening tip. There are bite marks down the shaft of the pencil, and the eraser is nearly worn off. While the pencil itself seems like it hasn't been used much, the eraser looks to have been heavily used.   This pencil was created by Fahren and enchanted by Trallen so that he could have another way to bring his mythological creatures to reality. Trallen put some of his godly essence within the pencil so that, whenever someone drew a creature with it, they had the option to bring that creature to life. Thinking it was good fun, Trallen used the pencil many times to bring (now common) creatures to life such as the armadillo, mosquito, and hippopotamus.   However, after a few eons, Trallen lost the pencil somewhere within Tartaria. It was thought to be found briefly about 800 years ago in the Island Nation of Tartaer, but was lost again shortly thereafter. Stories from that time suggest that the person who found the pencil drew many creatures, but none were successfully brought to life because of various flaws in the drawing itself. This caused many of the creatures to come to life, but die very quick, very painful deaths. However, after finally perfecting his drawing skills, the person drew a creature so vile and violent that it went on a murderous spree and killed half the population of the island. After that, the person is said to have thrown it into the sea, never to be seen again.   Every fifty years or so, someone claims to have found Trallen's missing pencil, but nothing has ever been confirmed. New mythological creatures do show up every once in a while, but most people attribute it to Trallen finding a new way to bring his favorite stories to life and not to the lost pencil.
Item type
Unique Artifact

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