Pol Lacrimae Boundary Events Physical / Metaphysical Law in Tarrorah | World Anvil
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Pol Lacrimae Boundary Events

Mentys Pashee was one of the less popular guides at Judgement Spring, often having to lead poor and desperate pilgrims through the rituals involved there without much in the way of payment. The kinder guides would give him some of their food when they had the chance, but he tended to keep to himself and refuse charity unless it was absolutely necessary.   Judgement Spring was one of the first parts of Tarrorah to experience the Pol Lacrimae Boundary Event, and Mentis Pashee was one of the first to have witnessed it. He was sat atop a sand dune overlooking the spring one night when he noticed the sound the wind was making had changed from the usual whoosh of carried sand to what at first seemed like a deep and strained intake of breath. Startled, he looked up in what he assumed to be the direction of the wind. Instead of a cloud of sand and dust, he was met with a crack descending from high up in the sky like a streak of impossibly slow lightning.   The crack touched down on the edge of the spring, hovering just centimetres from the water below. Intrigued and filled with an unfamiliar sense of courage, Mentys scurried down the dune and waded into the waters. Normally, doing anything other than giving an offering and then subsequently drinking water from the spring was strictly prohibited. Mentys knew this, and knew the tales of those punished for disobeying these rules, but he pushed on until he found himself forcing his fingers into the light of the crack.Without thought, he began prying apart the sides of the crack until it stood a gaping maw of pure white all-consuming light.   From that light first came a red smoke which escaped despite the apparent vacuum behind it and billowed into the air, staining the sky above. Next, a series of chained hooks dug into the side of the hole where Mentys had not stretched it wide enough, and, with a terrible ripping sound, widened it until it resembled a teardrop roughly 4 metres wide and 8 metres high. Finally, there was silence. The light had nearly blinded Mentys, but he was intent on seeing what was behind it and so peered inside. As soon as he put his head in, he was grabbed by soft but incredibly strong hands whose palms were placed directly on his temples. He saw everything in that moment: the birth of his universe, the connections it has to the infinite others, the true forms of gods and demons, and a smile. A smile that burned itself into his mind and held his focus so completely that he barely noticed the stream of beings rushing around him, fleeing the hole, and laying waste to the village.


Named for the teardrop-like streaks it creates in the sky, a Pol Lacrimae Boundary Event (PLBE) manifests itself in a myriad of different ways depending on its point of origin. Typically, these points lie within another universe or on another plane, and the further removed the point of origin, the more dramatic its effects on the area. Possible outcomes include:   Environmental and atmospheric disruption: the sky and ground may turn a different colour depending on the distance between universes, mimicking burn marks which spread over large areas. These colours are sorted similarly to the visual light spectrum, ranging from violets and blues for short distances to deep crimson for points far removed from the universe. Different factors can also influence the weather, either calming or causing different weather patterns from thunderstorms to hurricanes.   Cognitive manipulation: the minds of those around a PLBE occasionally experience an overload of information as different laws of physics reconcile between the universes. The mind struggles to understand the different states it is in and how the world around it is being shaped. This occasionally results in madness, depression, or inspiration.   Multiversal tears: these holes in spacetime are capable of carrying creatures, buildings, and other physical entities from one universe to another. They are usually random in location and material, though it is possible to predict or create them given enough energy and knowledge.
Metaphysical, Supernatural

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